Chapter 16

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Stepping out of the shower, Jacobs penthouse looks different. Being friends with Elvis means I'm not new to extravagant things. But now, this is a whole new level.

Jacob looked at me and whispered, eyeing my lips to the towel wrapped around my waist.

"Stop it." I said stepping out of the bathroom and into the guest room. Looking over at my bag of clothes, I came to a realization. "I didn't bring a suit or anything."

"Duh, that's why the party starts at 10, we have to buy you an outfit." Jacob said throwing me black ripped jeans, a black shirt, and my silver chain from my bag. "Hurry, we don't have all day."

"You're coming?" I asked putting on the clothes in seconds. Jacob laughed and dragged me out of the room, his body guards following closely behind. He handed me a black leather jacket before we left the house to cover the arm sleeves.

"Of course I am. If I'm gonna sport you at this party, you need to look the part. And your pretty face isn't gonna cut it." He said. I rolled my eyes and shook me head, climbing into the limo next to him.

Sport me?

"You're crazy." I said looking out the window, wanting to call Giovanni or Elvis to check up on them. But I knew I shouldn't.

"Like you're one to talk." He said eyeing me. "I know you were holding yourself back on that small time gang banger."

"Small time and he tried to kill me." I muttered. Jacob laughed and slapped my thigh before turning away.

"As if you wouldn't have killed them if you were there." Jacob simply replied. I had nothing to say, so I didn't say anything.

"We really need to find you a boyfriend." I muttered shaking my head. It's surprising how easy it is to say these things to him, considering his position.

He isn't some teenage boy, although he sure acts like one.

"We're here." Jacob said stepping out of the limo when the driver opened the door. "Wait for us out here, I don't want to drag too much attention."

As if going to one of the most famous and expensive men's boutiques wasn't. I can feel the eyes on me, especially since we arrived in a limo.

If you looked at Jacob, he doesn't seem that intimidating. He had his hair tied back right now, but other than that he wore an all black Adías outfit, expensive gym shoes, and two chains are look to be worth in the thousands.

Shaking my head, I held open the door for him and followed him inside. The man seemed to recognize him and quickly straightened out his back. "Sir, boss, how may I be of assistance?"

Jacob's usual friendly expression turned into a serious one, it was intimidating.

"I need a tux for him." He said, his voice was deeper and full of authority. Not his usual bitchy voice that was full of happiness. Hell, if he talked in his normal voice more, I'd probably fall for him if I wasn't with Giovanni.

"Yes, sir!" The old man said gesturing for me to follow him to the back. Turning around, I saw Jacob sit down on one of the chairs. His whole persona changing as he had his arms spread along the back of the couch and his legs crossed.

He's bat shit crazy.

"I am going to be taking your measurements." He said gesturing for me to lift my arms and quickly took my measurements as if I was going to punch him any second.

When he was done he hummed and guided me over to a section of already made suits. Looking over them, he hand picked a few and brought me to the changing rooms.

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