Chapter 19

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Once again, Jacob texted me. Can't he do anything by himself?

'Be ready in two.' - The shithead

Looking over at Giovanni, he was sitting in the kitchen table focusing on his work. Acendro sat next to him, drinking his coffee as he worked on his school work. It was weird seeing the four of them, Cecilia and Elvis next to the two, just working on school. And I'm not in school.

I'm wish I was going to college like everyone else, well Cecilia is in high school and I'm pretty sure Acendro and Elvis are graduating soon.

But here I am, working for Jacob and taking care of a gang. I'm going to be stuck working at the auto repair shop for the rest of my life while they're off working useful jobs.

Hell, I'm killing people for a living and I'm practically a psychopath. Not as crazy as Jacob, but I'm getting there. I mean sure, I'm getting money and power by working for him. But is that all I'm going to be? His errand boy? Anybody's errand boy?

Sure I'm the boss of a growing gang, but I don't know.

I can't be thinking about this. I shouldn't be. I decided this life when I started to put myself out there and protect myself. I'm the reason I'm here and I'm going to continue to do whatever I can to protect those people at the table.

Looking back at my phone, I texted Jacob an okay and began to get ready.

"I have to go." I said, coming to the table. Giovanni looked over at me with a smile and kissed my lips. I can see the fear in his eyes, it seemed like it was bubbling. He contained the flinched as he looked into my eyes again.

"Be safe." He whispered as if I was working as a police man to protect the streets. His voice was slightly trembling.

Nodding my head, I turned towards Cecilia. "Please don't stay up too late doing homework, you still have school tomorrow."

She smiled brightly over at me and rolled her eyes. "Okay, dad."

I looked over at Acendro and smiled at him. "Do you want me to say it to you too?"

Acendro rolled his eyes and looked up at me. "You and Elvis are like our parents, I swear."

"Shut up!" Elvis and I both said before turning to each other.

"I'm pretty sure parents don't fuck their kids." Elvis said. I gasped and slapped his arm, shaking my head.

"Shut up Elvis!" I yelled and turned to Acendro. "We don't act like your parents and if anything, I'm the dad."

"No! I'm the dad." Elvis said standing up. "I'm taller."

"I'm the one working." I said with a raised brow. "You're at home taking care of the kids."

"Sexist! Woman can work too!" Elvis argued, scuffing and looked over at Acendro.

"But traditionally-" I began to argue only to get cut off by Elvis.

"I'd be the dad because I'm more of the handy man and look who's house you're living in-"

"Not by choice and I'm still the one protecting and working, you're here taking care of the kids. And you-"

"I'm taller and more ripped-"

"You are not more ripped than me!" I gasped, not believing his words. Quickly, we both took off our shirts and instantly I flexed so hard on him. "See my abs are way more defined than yours!"

The sound of everyone's laughs only made me smile brighter.

"But my arm muscles are definitely bigger-" the sound of a horn honking and my phone vibrating in my pants stopped me. "Either way, I'm definitely top."

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