Chapter 23

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I rolled over and groaned when I saw Jacob's sleeping face. "What the fuck?"

"Can't you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep." Jacob grumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest. He kissed my neck, making me gasp.

"Stop it." I whispered, enjoying the feeling of the sun on my face as it streamed through the window. He smelled so good and he felt so strong and sturdy against my back.

I remembered how he was able to control me last night.

Keeping me from becoming a monster.

I forgot about the memories of last night and looked down at his hands. They were full of scars and markings. Pulling out my hand, I held onto his hand watched as mine compared to his.

"What are you doing?" He whispered into my ear, his deep voice on. It was husky because he just woke up.

"Nothing. Is your normal voice high or low?" I asked snuggling into him, letting him put one of his legs between mine, practically pinning me onto the bed. "And how come you talk high when you're around me?"

"It's a mixture of both." Jacob admitted. "It's high for the most part, but I can make it low without trying when there's other people around."

I hummed and listened to his heart beat, playing with his fingers. "Why do you talk high with me?"

"Because." He simply stated. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. Being in the arms of someone who knows how to handle me. Where I don't have to be afraid of embracing who I am and all my deepest pleasures.

Someone who won't be afraid of me.

Someone who won't leave me, like my father did.

"Because?" I whispered, slowly falling back to sleep.

"I trusted you from the moment I saw you." Jacob whispered into my hair, his grip tightening around me. He smelled faintly of cigarettes and alcohol and cologne.

Waking up again, I was alone. Looking around on the bed, he wasn't here. But the smell of food was in the air, it smelled like soup. Slowly standing up, I stretched and adjusted my sweats.

As I walked out, I ran my hand through my hair and yawned. "Jacob?"

My face turned red when I saw a group of older men sitting around the table eyeing me. They were obviously bosses of different groups, all meeting up.

"Roger." Jacob said coming from the pantry and set down some coffee on the table. "Come over here."

The necklace was the only thing I had on my waist up and my hair was still messed up from Jacob kissing me last nice. I silently walked over to the men, their eyes all on me and my body. Looking down, I blushed even more when I saw the marks Jacob left on me.

Shaking my head, I bit my lip and walked over to Jacob who put his arm on the small of my back. "Men, this is Roger Kennings. The assassin."

The men all stood up, putting down their cigarettes and shook my hand. They kept their judgements to themselves, surprisingly.

The second they said their names to me, I forgot. But I remembered their faces. Turning back to Jacob, he pushed me behind him and forced me to help him finish cooking the soup.

"Other bosses?" I asked looking at Jacob as he nodded his head.

"You could have put a shirt on." Jacob said with a smirk, his voice deep since he's around these men. "But I think I like you better this way."

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