Chapter 1

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Music blasted.

Looking around, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Acendro smiled at me and turned back to Elvis, giving him a peck on the lips before heading to over to me.

"Excited?" Acendro asked, the new watch Elvis gave him fit his wrist nicely. I smiled as if I had everything under control and nodded.

"No, I'm pretty chill right now."

"Has he shown up yet?" No and he hasn't answered any of my text.

"No, I'm sure he's going to be here soon though." I reassured and glanced over at the door to make sure he wasn't walking through it. Where is he? He said he'd show up and that he wasn't working tonight.

"I'm happy I finally get to meet the mysterious Giovanni you've been talking about." Acendro said looking over at Cecilia who was cleaning up a few of the red cups that were on the ground. The house stunk of weed and the look of drunk teenagers everywhere just seemed so familiar.

"Just don't embarrass me."

"Me? I would never." He said already knowing that him and Cecilia were going to make a fool out of themselves trying to make a fool out of me. Cecilia came to my side and looked annoyed.

"These boys keep trying to hit on me, I'm 15!"

"That don't mean anything to them. Just stick next to one for the gang members and act like you're interested in them." Acendro suggested and pointed to Ryan. "Like Ryan, he'd be down."

"He has a baby mama." I said rolling my eyes. Acendro nodded and looked around the room. I did a scan as well and met eyes with the same brownish red eyes I've been looking for this whole night.

Butterflies awoke inside of me as I stepped closer to him. Tingles erupted as he wrapped his arms around my neck and I hugged him around the waist as I'm taller than him.

"Finally." I whispered into his ear.

"I've missed you." His deep voice grumbled in my ear. Pulling away, I gave him a peck on the lips before turning back to the group. Looking back at Giovanni, he had a blushed face and a nervous smile. "Hi, sorry I'm late."

"You can never be late to a party." Acendro joked and looked over at Cecilia with a mischievous look on their faces. Before they could even open their mouth, I took the opportunity to get Giovanni away.

"Anyways, this is Acendro and this is my sister Cecilia and this is Acendro's boyfriend Elvis." They all shook hands and with that I dragged Giovanni over to my bedroom. Opening the door, Giovanni was the first one inside and observed the room.

As hard as it was, the nervousness just kept bottling inside of me and just wanted to explode.

"I like your room." Giovanni said laying down on my bed facing up and looked over at me. "Why did you rush me out of there so fast, are you embarrassed of me?"

"No! It's not that, I'm embarrassed of them." I said with a laugh and walked towards him, I could feel myself want him more and more. His hair was messy and his shift was wrinkled so I could see the bottom of his stomach.

It wouldn't be the first time we've done this, but I just keep getting nervous whenever I'm around him.

"I want to meet your friends," he trailed on, reaching up and grabbing my shirt to pull me closer to him, "sooner or later."

I closed my eyes as we locked lips and climbed on top of him. Giovanni was so small compared to me, it felt nice to have him here. But he pulled away too soon.

"Are you okay?" I asked giving him his distance. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I'm just not feeling comfortable right now. Do you mind if we just watch TV for right now?" Gio asked looking embarrassed. With a smile, I kissed his forehead and went to turn on the TV.

"Of course." I said laying back down in bed with the remote in hand. He immediately cuddled next to me and grabbed the remote from my hand, being the controlling person he is.

"We should watch Gossip Girl, my best friend was showing it to me and it's actually pretty good." Gio said with a blushed face and turned to me. "Unless you'd rather not."

There wasn't much of a choice as it was already playing. But it was cute because he looked so embarrassed. "No gossip girl is fine."

He sighed and rested his head on my chest again, putting his hand underneath my shirt as he rubbed my stomach. I leaned my head against his and smiled. The music downstairs was the perfect distraction from how boring this show was. But with each "plot twist" Gio gasped and looked up at me to see if I was feeling the same way.

"He fell asleep." Gio whispered, causing me to wake up. I heard him sigh and remove the arm that I had around his waist. "Did you need something from him, Cecilia?"

"No, nothing that couldn't be given to me tomorrow." Cecilia whispered, I heard her sigh and shake her head. "I'm happy you're here, if I'm being honest."

"Why?" Gio asked with an awkward chuckle. I know what Cecilia is going to say and I just want her to stop talking. But it feels like I have sleep paralysis, so that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

"He's always so happy and go lucky around me and Acendro, but everyone else, it's like they're on the other side of the protection bubble. Like they're outsiders to his world and protecting that bubble is the gang. I think Acendro was just somebody who was really in need and Roger really needed somebody to help at the time." Cecilia ranted, I can hear Gio humming in understanding. "But with you, I see the look in his eyes that I know means that you're different. Instead of protecting, he's the one being protected. And I think that's what he needs to grow."

"I mean, I don't think I'm protecting him-"

"Roger told me you helped him when he was drunk and with dad, trust me, you're protecting him. And isn't that what we all truly want? Somebody to feel safe and protected when we're around them. You let him be who he is."

"I really like Roger, if I'm being honest." Gio said with a laugh. I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier without my control. And soon, their voices were drowned out like the sounds of waves on a quiet beach.


So with corona, I have a lot of spare time on my hands. And I'm like "why not make the second book to The Preppy and the Tramp?" Because why not? I found inspiration and I just wanted to write.

So here is the book, I have it planned out and I hope y'all stay for the ride.


Love y'all and stay safe.

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