03 - Tell You The Truth

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"Sorry Evy. I'm also going to leave you." I whisper as I place her down on the bed.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Opening my eyes I woke up in bed, which was strange because I don't remember even getting into bed.

I grabbed the towel and some clothes for school before getting into the shower.

After my shower I got dressed in my school uniform, which consists of either a one piece dress with the school blazer and high socks or a two piece skirt and button shirt with high socks along with the blazer.

Seeing as it was a Monday, the blazer was not optional. I dressed into the one piece dress and went downstairs. I took my gym clothes from the dryer and packed them for last period.

I made breakfast for Uncle and got myself some porridge. After my aunt passed away uncle hasn't been the same as he was.

He gets up later than usual, and his movement have become slowler.

"Evy." Uncle calls from the door.

"Uncle, you're up early today. I was going to serve you something in a few minutes. I'm just waiting for the eggs."

"Evy, I need to tell you the truth." Uncle says as he takes my hand. "I don't have much time... So I'm going to be as straightforward as possible."

"Okay, you can tell me let me just take the eggs out of the pan." I say and did exactly what I said before dishing up and then sitting beside uncle.

"Evy, I'm going to send you back to your father." he starts and I jump up immediately starting to say no repeatedly.

"Why?" I ask and see Uncle sigh

"Because I can't take care of you anymore. After your aunt died you became like a personal nurse for me. I want you to be able to go out and experience life. Please don't argue with me on this." Uncle says and I could see him pleading with me through his eyes

"Fine. But I'm not happy with your decision." I say and continue to get ready for school.

I see the bus drive past the house and say goodbye to uncle before running after the bus.

The bus stops at the bus stop a few houses down. I wait for the students to climb onto the bus before I get on.


Compared to other bus rides this one was the best. No one bothered me and they were all talking amongst each other excitedly.

Again I wait for everyone to leave the bus before me. Everyone on the bus was crowding the hall outside the office.

As most days I have the first period off as I have other responsibilities. I push past the other students, some giving me glares, looks of disgust and some aren't even phased by me.

While walking I look back at the students and collide with something, or well someone.

"Ah Evy, just who we were talking about." Gladis our receptionist says and I step back and realize that the person who I walked into was holding me by the waist.

When I stepped further back he quickly took his hand from my waist and rubbed his neck nervously.

"Evelyn here, is one of the few students whom I trust. She will be the one to show you around the school. She's also in charge of the cafeteria's menu so if you have any allergies then inform her so that she can change the menu to prevent any allergic reactions. "

"Evelyn this is Alexander. He is a transfer from Gordon High. You know what to do." Gladis says and hands Alexander his packet.

I take the file from Gladis's hands and start the normal process.

"Any allergies?" I ask looking at his application and schedule

"None that I know of." Alexander says and goes to turn around the cornor, but I grip his arm and pull him back just in time for a group of kids to run through the hall missing Alexander by a few inches.

"Okay, follow me." I say and turn right going toward the classrooms. After a few classes I stop outside his class and knock on the door.

"Mrs. Smith. Here's your new student. I will have him in class before lunch, if all goes well."

"Okay Evelyn, here's your work from all the classes you'll be missing while showing him around." Mrs Smith says and shows Evelyn the pile of papers.

I walk away from the classroom amd finish scanning through the papers. I stand in front of another class. The same group of students came back again and run towards the class.

Evelyn holds out her hand and each student claps her hand. Just then a teacher clears throat.

"Evelyn. Again?" A man asks from behind Alexander.

"Sir, I've been doing it since last year. And besides you were the one who said that after I enter the classroom I should close the door. You never said that I couldn't allow the other students to enter before me, after I reached the classroom." I explain and walk into the class.

"I'll be out in a few minutes. Wait outside." I say and I could see Alexander sigh impatiently.

"Hey, New kid! As soon as I count to 6 she will be back watch this.1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6..." Micheal says as while I place my bag in the back of the store room.

I step out just as Micheal says 6 and look at the teacher signaling that my bag is in his storeroom.


"Just call me Alex."

"Alex, your class is 11C which is Mrs Smith's class. Our school works a bit different that other schools. Here the only time we leave the classroom is for, bathroom, free period, and whenever their is a function at school. Other than those we, spend some days outside in the open hall or we have 'lazy days'. "

"Lazy days?" Alex asks and swings his bag over his other shoulder.

"Basically we have days where neither the teacher nor the students want or have something to do. On those days we just spends the entire days outside, but most of those days are around the time for our exams and so forth." I turn around and enter the storeroom.

The bell rings and Alexander walks into the storeroom placing his bag down.

"Give me the handbook list." I say and walk over to the ladder. With each subject I through the book down on the table behind me and suddenly my foot slips.

And as cliché as it sound Alex caught me. When he was sure I was okay he put me down.

"Well that was weird. I normally just fall on the ground and no one has ever caught me. Thanks."


"Okay here's your book. I will take you around as well as get you familiar with everything." I says and walk to the door to see it closed.

"Micheal! God!" I scream and push against the door a few times and then I hear something fall to the ground.

I open the door to see a chair laying against the door. "One day I'm going to kill him." I whisper to myself.

"Isn't Micheal the one from your class?" Alex asks and I nod.

"Yes. Now I need to give you the tour and then it's time for lunch."


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