17 - School And A New Crush

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"Congrats you're now official members of The Table." I say then leave the room.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"It's been a while since I've set foot inside this school. Happy and sad memories all mixed together." I whisper to myself. I was currently sitting in the passenger seat while Cap was driving.

Junior, Alice, Carmella and Junior were sitting behind us. Shane was coming separately.

"Now kids remember no funny business today. You are just normal students going to school." Cap says as we stop the car.

"Yeah normal kids that just happen to wear guns, are police officers and mafia members." I tease playfully getting out of the car.

"Don't forget we also have a criminal record, each." Shane says chirping in.

"Where did you come from?" Alice asks.

"From across the parking lot. You know you were being pretty loud." He chuckles before swinging an arm around Alice.

"Ready?" he asks and some chuckle.

"I wasn't this nervous about my first solo mission. So why here?" Junior asks wiping his palms off on his jeans.

"Well, since we're here we might as well go in." I finally say and walk forwards. I can hear the other's following after me before Cap drives away.

Stepping into the school hallway heads turn in our direction. Some stop talking and other pay no mind to us.

I walk straight to the receptionist and ring the bell.  The lady at the desk turns arpund and nearly falls off her chair.

"Evy!" she jumps up amd runs out of the office. "Oh dear. I've missed you so much." she says and pulls away.

"Hi Gladis. I've come to get our packets for class." I say and motion to the rest around me.

"Alright." she says runs back in and places them on the table. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I hand out their packets and then see that most of them are with me in most of my classes. I walk off in the direction of our lockers.

I open my locker and place everything inside before walking off.


🔸♦️ Alexander's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I was walkind down the halls when my phone started ringing. Taking the call I was given our first order and was told to relay the order to the others.

Walking down the halls I see Shane and Junior walking to their next class.

"Where's Evy? The boss called we have a job."

"Isn't Evy the boss?" Shane asks

"Not until the ceremony, which is in... Four days. Anyways where is she, I need to fill her in."

"After we got our books she dissappeared"

"Okay well I'm gonna go and search for her, but at least it's after school." I say and then see Evy walk through the  halls.

"After school, meet us near the gate." I say and run in the direcrion Evelyn went.

Once outside I see her sitting on a bench under a tree.

"Here you are." I say and take a seat next to her. "Boss called. We have a job."


"As soon as school's over. I told the other that they should wait for me outside the gate." Evy nods and the bell rings.

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