35.1 - As One Love Dies....

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Sad but content. That would be the only way of explaining what her eyes conveyed.



🔹🔸🔹Special Chapter🔹🔸🔹

🔹🔸🔹Longer than usual😊 🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️Ray's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Alex and the others finally returned but with their heads low.

"Did you find her?" I ask and they shake their head walking away, but for someone who just had their loved one run away Alex was acting very calm.

"Alex, what's going on. I surely though you'd be crying your eyes out by now." I ask and Stephen places a hand in my shoulder.

"Or is it that you don't actually love Evelyn." I ask and he punched me in the face.

He kept on punching and hitting me until they managed to pull him off me.

"Of course I love her. I just don't know why she would leave." Alex says and storms away.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Stephen says and pulls me to the kitchen.

He takes the rubbing alcohol and places some in a swab before starting to clean the wound. In the distance I see Nic walking over the Alice.

🔸♦️Nic's  P.O.V ♦️🔸

"What's all the commotion about?" I ask the nearest person. Which is Alice.

"Right, you weren't here." she says and explains that Evelyn ran away.

"Why?" I ask and she shrugs walking away since she was called by Jude.

"Where would she go?" I ask and walk to Jude.

"Look I know you have bigger fish to fry but can I talk to you?" I ask him and the other man that was with him started patting my back and praising me.

"So this is your successer?" The man asks Jude and he nods before I could answer.

He excuses himself and walks with me towards the cornor of the room.

"What do you want?" He asks

"Firstly, why did Evelyn leave and why did you say I'm your successer?" I ask and Jude looks around the cornor.

"I'll tell you everything tonight. Let the guests just settle and then we can talk." He says and I nod not wanting to cause a scene.

I walk over to the children of the representatives.

"Who's son are you?" one of the guys ask clearly not impressed with me  'invading' their talk.

"The host's." I say and grab a beer from the fridge and walk past them, throwing the guy a displeased look

I see Alex walking out of the house and I follow him. He walked to the hollow tree and places a rock inside the tree.

"What are you doing?" I ask and he sighs.

"It'll take time to explain." he says and I hand him my bottle and watch as he takes a swig.

"Evelyn left a message."

"And what she say?"

"According to this rocks she's gonna be away for a week. And before you say it's stupid. The first time I met her she was gonna run away and had two rock with her. She explain that one small rock symbolizes one week... Hence the rock in the hole." He explains.

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