32 - The Seven Clans Gather

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I finally manage to close the door and turn around only to walk straight into someone.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Looking up I look straight into Michael's eyes.

"Why were you inside Nic's room?" He asks with a scowl.

"He borrowed some stuff from me and I just came to take them back." I say and slip past him.

After I've stepped a few steps I'm pulled back by my arm and I look at him to see him hanging his head.

"It's only been two days and I feel like I'm going crazy seeing you with him." Nic says and I rip my arm from his hand.

"You should have thought about that before physically hurting me." I storm away only to hear him run after me.

"Please Evelyn! I'm begging you! Please forgive me!"

"Not now. I don't have time for this!"

"Evelyn!" He calls out to me as I run away from him going down the stairs already knowing where I want this to go.

"Why don't you have time? Is he really that much better? Did you even really like me or was that all a lie?"

I stop in the middle of the living room knowing that everyone's busy in this floor. He yells grabbing my arm and spinning me around.

I can see everyone walking into the living room standing behind him.

"What?! Do you honestly think that I faked my feelings? I did love you! Did! Not anymore!"

"Why? Why? Don't you love me anymore?" He screams and I can see Carmella and Alice giving each other wierd looks before looking back at us.

"I don't know!" I yell back and Micheal reaches out to me but I push his arms away.

"Don't touch me! I need some time to process everything I've heard and to make some sense of it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Alex's sister! I heard that you're responsible for her death! I don't want to end up like her because you got tired of me!"  I yell and I can see most of their eyes squint in suspicion

"So what! What does it ma-"

"What do you mean 'so what'! Doesn't it bother you that people are saying such things about you?" I furiously wipe the tears streaming down my face

"No! Why should the truth bother me!?"

"Finally! This is what we were waiting for!" I scream and start giggling as I see Cap walk through the other entrance of the living room.

"What the..." Micheal says and Cap handcuffs his hands.

"You tricked me!" Micheal yells and I sigh sitting down on the couch's arm rest.

"Ow... Now my head hurts." I say and someone hands me a glass of water. After I take the glass from someone's hands two pills are offered but I decline them as I'm yet to have dinner.

I look up from the hand and see Alex standing in front of me. "Thank you." he says and I give him a hug.

"Come. Dinner's probably getting cold." I say and see Carlos looking around in search for someone.

"Where's Nic?"

"He said he wasn't hungry so he went to bed." Alice says so easily.

"I've kept his food apart for when he wakes up." I say and continue on my way to the dining room.

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