12 - Return Pt 1

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My last thought before passing out was. 'Wow, I guess he really does care.'



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

My head pulses with each ring of the phone. Opening one eye I see the fairy lights decorating the ceiling, before turning on my side.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Answer / Decline
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Morning. Ready for today?" the voice on the other end asks immediately reminding me why I'm here.

"Sure. Let me guess the others are already awake."

"Yes. We're waiting downstairs for your famous breakfast to be made." the person chuckles and disconnects the phone.

After getting up I get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, boots, and a t-shirt.

"The chef is finally awake." someone says as I enter the kitchen. "Had a little to much last night?" the same person asks.

"No, just not feeling up for today is all." I say and tie the apron across my waist before throwing the top over my shoulders and tying them.

In front of me around the table sits  everyone who's been a part of my life.

At the head was Cap. He looks like your typical marine. Short hair, tight shirt, loose pants and boots.

He may look cold but he's very kind and understanding. I sometimes call him brownie. Not because he likes them but because his hair, eyes skintone and closet, all range in different colors of brown, with the rare sight of other colors.

To the right of him was my seat. On my right was Carmella and Carlos, they are basically twins. They were born within minutes of each other, but one was born before midnight and the other after midnight. They can't stand each other but would die for each other. The act so similarly that if they were to switch bodies they would still be the same.

Across from my seat is Junior and Alice. A sad story really. Junior was found on someone's steps and the family raised him after they adopted him.

While Alice has brother but he was kidnapped when they were younger. They were playing in the park and a man came running, grabbed her brother and ran away. They never found the man or her brother.

Then we have Shane. He's the silent one in the group. He loves to just observe and then later deliver his opinion. I don't know much about him, he's fairly new to the group.

"Thinking of your lover boy?" Cap asks as I dish up the breakfast, which consist of two eggs each, one slice of toast, a bowl with a sweet and savory tomato and onion sause and some grilled steak strips.

"Which one?" Carmella jokes and I lift the spatula in warning.

"And fyi, no I wasn't. I just remembered something that happened to me here."

"Evy, do you mind sharing?" Shane asks looking up from his book, before closing the book.

"And don't say 'another time', cause you said that last time." Alice says resting her elbows on the table.

"Fine. Do you remember the first time I got here? I was strembling, groaning and bleeding." Most fo them nod and I see Sarah floating around the room.

I've been seeing her a lot more lately and I started becoming restless shortly after that.

"Well my younger half brother, Nic, he used to be jealous of me. Which his reason for doing so was utter nonsense. But a few weeks before I came here, I was hospitalized. Long story short, Nic pushed me off the roof of a four-story building, and I was found by my love. " I say purposely lovey-dovey so that they wouldn't ask to many questions.

"Wow. If you don't mind, why did he hate you?"

"To be honest, even I don't really know. Whenever I tried to ask him, it was always a different reason." I say shrugging and hand out their plates.

Cap got his first followed by the order in which we came into the group, which was after cap, Carmella and Carlos, Alice followed by Junior, me and then Shane.


It was around lunch time when I heard a knock on my door. The door opens after the knock and I see Cap standing outside the room.

"Cap." I say and stand up from the bed. "Is there sometjing I can do for you?"

"No. Actually, I'm taking the kids out for some shopping, do you mind staying alone?"

"No I don't mind. But did you say 'taking', don't they normally irritate you until you take them?"

"Fine. I'm being forced to go. Look you'll have the place to yourself for a few hours. I don't care what you do, just clean up when your done." Cap says and I nod and see him leave.

As soon as I see the SUV drive away I pull out my phone.


🔸To: Love🔸
I have the house
to myself, if you want to
you can come over.

🔸From: Love🔸
Okay, I'm on my way.


I cleaned the dishes and put them away when I heard a knock on the door.

One, two, three, four, five. One, two.

Smiling I dry my hand and finish putting away the dishes. I look through the peephole and see my love standing in the door.

"Hi." he says and pulls me into a hug. "It's been to long since I could hold you in my arms." he says kissing my forehead.

"Well I'm back, and guess what." I say leaning back to look at him.


"I'm going to be attending school for my last year." I say softly and watch as the info sinks into his brain before he hugs me again.

"Really?" he ask and I nod. Before he could give me a kiss I pull away.

"But there is something I want to talk to you about though." I say and he sighs.

"That's never a good sign." he whispers and I chuckle.

"It's not that bad. I just want to ask you for something." I say and he take a deep breath before exhaling. I sit down on the couch and he sits next to me. I turn to him and look him in the eyes.

"I want you to ignore me the first few weeks of school. And before you argue, here's the reason. I want you to make me fall for you all over again."

"Again?! Getting you the first time was hard enough."

"Well this time you have an advantage. I'm already yours, so it should be easier than the first time." I say and climb onto his lap.

Straddling him between my legs I lean my forehead on his. Ghosting my lips over his, I can feel him tense.

"Oh god, this is going to be torturing, isn't it?" he asks and I smirk before kissing him.


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