22 - Back To School With Preparations

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"Nic you must've been relieved when you heard I was shot. Maybe even wished me dead.

Enjoy the little bit of freedom you have left. Now I make a promise to you that I'll make sure you're going through hell before I get started."

I close my eyes and sigh falling asleep.



🔹🔸🔹A few days later🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Since the incident about me getting shot, the news traveled through the school and it was time to return back to school.

"Ready?" Dad asks from the doorway.

"Yeah. Did Nic give in my homework from the previous term?"

"Yes. I was with him when he handed it in. Listen I've heard that you have a career day next week an-"

"Shit! I forgot about that." I say and sink to my knees.

"It's okay. You were busy with the preparations for the ceremony. If you wouldn't mind, I'll go with you." Dad says and I smirk before jumping up and turning to him.

"Really?! Please." I say and jump up and down before stopping due to dizziness.

"Evelyn." Dad says worry lacing his  voice.

"I'm fine. Shouldn't have jumped like that." I say and before I could get another sentence out he stopped me.

"No you're not going to school. Not like that."

"No! If I have to stay home one more hour I'm climbing out that window and jumping from the ro-."

Dad holds a hand infront if my mouth stopping me from uttering anything more.

"You barely survived the first, I'm not risking you dying. So you can go to school, but if anything happens you call me."

I nod and run out of the room and almost straight into Mary.

"Evy stop running!" she yells from upstairs

"Sorry to excited!" I yell back before disappearing inside the lift waaiting impatiently for the lift to close.

"It's hard to believe she's going to become the next leader with her behavior." I could hear Mary says and just as the doors finally close I see Nic and Michael round the cornor.

"Please close faster." I mutter wishing they don't get in the lift with me.

"Leaving without us." Micheal says sticking his hands inbetween the doors and the dorr open again.

"Why'd you do that. They were finally closing." I pout and the two of them get into the lift and then the doors close.

"Sure close noe that they are inside the lift, couldn't you close faster when I wanted you to." I softly scold the doors and hear Micheal chuckle.

"What did the poor doors do to you?" He asks and I sigh setting my bag down in the floor.

"Nothing. Oh yeah Nic. Jude says that he'll cover us for career day." I say and  Nic nods.

I pause the lifts between floors and stand in front of him. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing." He says and I walk closer even though I am a few inches shorter than Nic.

I stand on my toes and look Nic straight in the eyes as he tenses up. Staring at his eyes for a few seconds I see him swallow and I then hear Micheal clear his throat.

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