08 - Something's Wrong

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"I don't know. She could've confused me with someone else." Nick says and Jude just shook his head and returned to take a seat.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It's been a few weeks since I was released from hospital, and at first I thought everything was going good.

I was sorely mistaken. I was just minding my business when suddenly I completely changed and it was scary.

I was just minding my business and I was busy with my work, when suddenly everything that I folded up was laying on the floor.

Mary came into the laundry room and stared at me with shock. I just ran out of the room and ran up two sets of stairs before hiding in my room.

A few weeks ago I found a small door in my closet and when I went inside there was a small room.

I had left the room bare as I wanted to paint the room, and I did. The walls were cream and I had to scrub the floor for it to be anywhere near normal again.

I climmed into the room and sat on the dry spot on the floor. Sitting inside this room made me feel calm.

I don't know how long I have been in the room, but when I woke up it was around six. Meaning I've been inside the room for a few hours.

The room was dark and then I saw someone sitting in front of me.

"Who are you?"

"Well do you want the truth or is there something specific you want to hear?"

"I'm happy with the truth."

"I'm Sarah. And I used to be alive, just like you. Somehow I died and I don't know how. All I do know is that before I died, you also died along side me.

We died at the same time. From the  time after I died, I had an outer body experience. I saw them wheel my body through the halls of the hospital.

The moved past your room and I froze, even you where outside of your body desperately trying to get back into your body.

But only after everyone left did you manage to achieve that goal.

Soon after you were taken to the operation theater where they transplanted my organs to you.

And again you died on the table. Twice. How they managed to pull you back two times....

Anyways, now I'm stuck with you. Wherever you go, I go. "

"How is this possible?" I ask and before I could get an answer. Mary calls me.

"Is anything wrong?" She asked before I heard the bedroom door open.

I leave the small room and exit the closet.

"Look Mary I'm sorry for what happened downstairs. I was just feeling useless and lost it for a second." I say and she nods putting down a tray filled with some desert.

"I was hoping we could watch a movie together?" Mary asks and I shrug.

"Why not?"


🔸♦️ Mary's P.O.V ♦️🔸

After dinner Evelyn was sitting on the couch, waiting for me to finish, before going to watch our movie.

I was drying my hands and I heard Evelyn talking to someone. I didn't see anyone near her, but she was surely talking.

Upon closer inspection I see her on the phone.

She kept talkingbthroughout the whole movie, but I left it seeing as she was busy with a friend or something. Thinking nothing else off it I left and went to bed.

When I got into bed Jude was reading a book in bed. I turn to him and call out to him.



"Don't you think Evelyn's behavior these last few days have been weird? I don't know what to think."

"Now that you mention it. Yes I did notice something strange. She was outside a few hours ago and everything was normal then she just started running.

But even before that her whole demeanor changed. She looked angry and ready to kill someone."

"Don't you think we should get her some help?"

"Normally I wouldn't agree with you but seeing it myself, I think it's a good idea."


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