28 - Meeting The Others

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"Sorry. I didn't think she's slap you." I say and the teacher hands me the attendance list to check.

"It's fine. I deserved it." she says and Mr Gregory starts the lesson



🔹🔸🔹Four days later🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"The last few weeks have been crazy. One moment everything couldn't get better.

Then on one night almost everyone turned their backs on me.

And a few days ago they apologized one after the other. But they must have been compelled of some sort.

I know they'd never apologized without being told or requested to do so, but at least we're not fighting anymore.

Anyways, I woke up in the bathroom this morning. I don't remember going there at all, just going to bed and falling asleep.

Well anyways, enough with the heavy.
I'm finally going to see Ray and Stephen again, though I don't know when exactly I will see them.

I haven't seen them since they had to leave for Nationals." I speak ending my video diary recording.

"I really do miss them, though." I say closing my laptop before laying down on the bed.

"We miss you too!" someone screams before two bodies fall into the bed ontop of me.

"Ahh. You're here!" I scream and feel both of them hug me.

"Yes. Now we can finally spend some much needed time with our sister." Ray says and Stephan nods sliding his arms around my waist.

"Hey, watch the hands!" another voice says from the door and Stephan removes his hands.

"Sorry..." Stephen says drawing the 'y' out.

"Anyways when are we meeting the people you replaced us with?" Ray asks and redt his head on hir arm as he props himself on his side.

"I did not replace you." I make a point out of the sentence by slapping him on the forehead.

Stephen bursts out laughing and I push him off the bed.

"How did you get in here anyways?"

"Your Love brought us here a day earlier to make you happy." Ray says and Stephen lays horizontally at the feet of the bed.

"That man can do anything for you." Stephen says before fake gagging.

"Anyways to answer your question, Ray. I'm meeting them tomorrow, after school we were going to get something to eat before going to the arcade. You can join us after getting the homework you've missed out on."

"No!" they are very childlike sometimes.

"Tell you what. We'll send Alexander to get your work in the morning and then we stay at home catching up while doing your work. How does that sound?" I suggest and they nod furiously.

"It's settled. We'll stay at home."


"Here you go. Two weeks of catching up to do." Alex says and places two small boxes down on the table, each marked with a name.

"How can I repay that favour?" I ask and Alex taps his finger on his cheek.

I place a quick peck on his cheek. "Now get moving otherwise you'll be late." I say and push him to the door.


🔸♦️ Ray's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I stand in the doorway looking at Evelyn and Alexander.

Those two are really made for each other. I hope I get to be an uncle soon, well after they actually confess to each other...

"What are you sulking about?" Stephen asks sitting on the mattress in his boxer yawning.

"I'm just wondering why, after so many years, they don't they confess to each other?" I ask and lay down beside him staring at the ceiling.

"Maybe they need a slight push?"

"We've tried that, remember?"

"Okay but maybe this time it could work?"

"You said that last time. And the time before that, and th-"

"What did he say?" Evelyn asks scaring us before she sits on the table in her room.

"Nothing. Never mind. Where are we going to work?" Stephen asks and through a bag over his shoulder while walking to the bathroom and then the shower is heard running.

"Dining room. But before that tell me, have you met someone during your time away?"

"No. I was most of the time training and competing." Evelyn nods buts still looks sceptical.

Evelyn stand up before leaving the room. "I'm getting us breakfast." she yells after closing the door.

I sigh and lay down on the mattress humming to the sound of my ring tone.

Ring tone?

Realizing my phone was ringing I stand up to search for the phone before someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around to see Stephen standing with my phone in his hands. Stephen was still wet from his shower. Dressed in a pair of denim shorts with his shirt thrown over his shoulder.

"Oops." he says as the phone disconnects before throwing it to me.

"Asshole." I say and push past him and enter the bathroom as he chuckles.


🔹🔸🔹Hours later🔹🔸🔹

"Finally!" I jump up from the table before Stephen pulls me down onto another seat.


"Why?" I whisper moving closer to him till we are a few centimeters apart.

"Evy's asleep." he whispers back while pointing at Evelyn who's laying on top of a stack papers.

"School and a Mafia? How does she manage?" I ask standing up and moving towards her.

I lift her head off of the papers removing the one stuck to her face and then picking her up.

I place her down on the couch in the next room and throw a thin blanket over her.

"I hope she doesn't overwork herself." Stephen says as he places a pillow under her head.

"We can only hope." someone says from the door and we look up to see Alex standing in the door.

"Hey. Come to check up in us?" Stephen jokes and Alex gives him a pointed look before walking into the room.

"Actually I was coming to check if you were still interested in meeting her friends, and if so, I could give you a quick description."

Stephen and I looked at each other before nodding.

"Sure, why not."  Stephen was the first to leave the room going back to the dining room.

As soon as everyone took their seats Alex stared at the paperwork thet Evelyn was buzy with.

"Anyways, first we have the youngest among then, Shane. He's quiet and an observer. Almost nothing gets past him.

After him, we have the twins, Carmella and Carlos. Loud and proud. They are super loyal but also very sceptical.

Then we have Alice and Junior. Alice lost her brother at a young age, while Junior was found on someone's doorstep, but the way they act gives no insight into their past.

Then there's Michael. The guy responsible for her death. Look I know that you dislike my decision, and I know that it's stupid but I want him to feel what she felt.


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