18 - Followed Then Trapped

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"Yes, boss." I hear three voices say.

"I'm not-- Just get your asses in the car." Evelyn says then gets into a black SUV then drives off



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

We walk towards Jude's office and I knock. A soft 'come in' is heard and we enter the room to see him packing.

"Anything you need?" Jude asks and the boys shake their heads.

"Actually I need more details on the job, and I'm pretty sure the guys do too, they're just to afraid to ask."

"Okay well take a seat and I'll explain."


🔸♦️ 3rd person P.O.V ♦️🔸

A black SUV park outside the French restaurant and three hooded figures enter the car.


"Ready" they answer in stereo

The SUV pulls away unaware of the  other car following them.

"T, someone's following us." one of the hooded figures sag and the driver looks through the rear view mirror.

"Probably someone making sure we don't mess up. But let's shake him, just in case." T answers and takes a left.

Accelerating they take a right and then another before taking a left. They see the car still following and E Accelerates more driving two block down in the road.

Then swerving between the cars driving to the traffic light. She drives over the 4-way just missing the red light.

In the distance another black SUV pulls out of their driveway, a few houses up.

Looking in the mirror they seemed to have lost the car. T pulls into the other SUV's parking when they turn the cornor.

Switching the car off. T locks the doors and rolls up the windows. Switching off the light and looking through the side mirror for any movement.

The car that was following them slowly drove by and all four of them duck down trying not to get caught.

T follows the car looking through the window and relaxes when the car turns around and drives back in the other direction.

"Shit, that was close." One says and T drives out of the driveway returning the wat they came and again stopped outside the French restaurant.

They make their way to a nearly abandoned building and srop outside. They get out of the car and take off their hoods.

"We need to hurry. The cops are coming to transfer this son of a bitch to their holding facility. This is the only chance we have." Evelyn says and walk towards the building.

"Mask." she says and each person pulls a mask from their pockets.

One wears a tiger, another a hippo, the thrid pulls a dog mask over his face.

Evelyn pulls a cat mask out of her pocket and checks get guns before looking up at the others.

"No unnecessary waste of amo and no one other that Clay dies." Evelyn says and opens the door for the others while she puts on her mask.

They run into the room and almkst immediately you could hear people hitting the floor.

Walking into the room five bodies lay scattered between papers, but no blood.

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