35 - Run Away

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"Do you want her to kill you. Once she said she'll manage, she might as well have said 'touch me and even Hades won't recognize you'." I say and the rest silently agree



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It's hardly been half an hour since I told Jude about my plan and he ran away. I found Jude sitting in the garden.

"Dad." I call and he shifts away from me.

"Why?" He asks as soon as I sit comfortably.

"I think there's a mole in the business. I need to make sure. Once I'm sure I will return."

"And the others?"

"I'll think of something."

"The father?"

"He must not find out the truth. And if he does, I'll find a way around it. But I need you to do something else for me."

In the distance a few meter from them someone watches them closely, but is unable to hear anything and only see their gestures.

I'm sorry everyone....

If you see me in this condition, I'll never forgive myself. I've always been the strong and level-headed one, but I can't take it anymore...

I keep putting you in danger that's why I need time to clear my head.

I don't know where I'm going, or for how long I'll be away...

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine...

After taping the letter to the door, I place a parcel down on the carpet in front of the house.

I packed my suitcase and walk out the door leaving the key hidden inside the dirt of the flower pot.

Seeing as there is a wall deviding the outhouse from the house. I slide against the wall with my bag in my hand.

I had called Cap earlier and asked him to drop me off at the train station. He was going to refuse but before he could I ended the call.

And knowing Cap he'll come here just to finish what he was saying.

Once I was a few feet away from the house I saw Cap pull his car into the driveway.


"Please, I need you to do this for me. Can't you do this much for me?" I ask and he nods opening the trunk.


Cap drops me at the train station and I wait for him to leave before I enter bathroom with my suitcase.

I place the suitcase down in front of the mirror and open it. I was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black shirt and a cap.

I take a wig from the suitcase and slide it over my head, after that I change into some suit pants and also a button up with a coat.

I remove my make up kit and starts with my make up.

After a while I finally finish en slip on some heels, a pair of glasses and some dark pink lipstick.

I slide a cover over the bag and walk out of the bathroom.

Walking to the counter I pay for a one-way ticket for the next train.


🔸♦️Alex's  P.O.V ♦️🔸

Everyone was waiting in the room getting seated for the movie Evelyn aksed us to watch as an ice breaker between the Clans, but now we were all waiting for her to return.

"She's probably stuck in die bathroom again, but it's weird she hasn't called to ask for help." Ray says and walks to the door.

"I'll go see what happened." Ray says and I could hear some of the people snicker.

Jude draws everyone's attention away from the topic but I can't shake this uneasy feeling in me.

After a few minutes Ray comes back running into the room just before the credits end.

"She left." Is all he said before I ran out of the room and back towards the outhouse.

Please tell me you didn't...

I was chanting that one sentence over and over again in my head as I ran past the outhouse and toward a nearby tree.

The base of the tree was hollowed out and inside the tree I found one rock.

🔹🔸🔹Flashback start 🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️ 3rd person's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Explain to me what you're talking about again." A younger Alex asks a heavily sedated younger Evelyn.

"There's a tree in our yard that has a slight hollow in. Last week I made up a plan.

If I place one small rock inside, it simbolizes one week. And a big rock would mean one month."

"So you mean to tell me those two rock you had with you when you arrived here meant you were going away for two weeks?" Alex asks as he sees Evelyn's head dip as the injection starts to work.

"Yes." was all she said before she passed out.

🔹🔸🔹Flashback end🔹🔸🔹

"Alex, where are you?" someone calls out to me.

"I'm back here." I call and place the one rock inside my jacket pocket.

"Where did she go?" I ask and then a car pulls up drawing our attention.

"Cap?" Shane asks and walkstowards6 him. We watch from a distance as they talk and soon Shane waves us over.

"Get in." He says and we make our way to a train station.

"This is were I dropped her before leaving." the guy says switching the car off.

We hardly took two steps into the station when suddenly we were called to the side.

The one guy hands us a paper and then he leaves.

"I knew Cap would get someone else here, but it's too late. I've already left. Bye" Shane reads and hands me the letter.

I see a small area on the paper look like it's still wet. Which means she was crying while writing the letter and it still seemed kinda wet.

Just then one train starts picking up speed and I turn around to see a woman wipe her tears. Before the train is complete out of view, she looks up and I look straight into her eyes.

Sad but content. That would be the only way of explaining what her eyes conveyed.


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