47 - Under Arrest

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"Sorry guys. I can't take any chances." I say and let them into the house.

I served dinner and we started planning.



🔹🔸🔹Four weeks later🔹🔸🔹

⚠️ Long chapter ahead ⚠️

🔸♦️ 3rd person's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Every night, since Evelyn took over control of the business, she's been juggling her responsibilities.

Every morning at eight Evelyn, leaves and she goes to school, only to get her work for the day and return home. As soon as she gets home, she only leaves the house after finishing any work she needed to do.

Then clocks in at work, taking up her desk, she stays until six in the evening, filing reports, conducting interviews and reporting to the Station Captain.

Evelyn then reaches home half an hour later, where she goes to her office and stays until Mary basically has to drag her out, to have her dinner with the rest of the family.

It was a little before nine at night when they had finished with dinner, and by they, it was just Jude, Mary, Nic, Amanda and Evelyn.

Their discussions would change from one topic to another, until it finally turned to a topic that Evelyn wanted to avoid more than anything. Alex.

"Alex stopped by again today." Mary says bringing the deserts from the kitchen.

"And?" Jude asks looking at Evelyn's uninterested facade.

"The usual, kept asking if he could see her, when he could see her, etc." She says and then turns to look Evelyn straight in the eye.

"You'll need to speak to him sooner or later." She says and starts shaking Amanda's bottle.

"I'm scared." Evelyn manages to say, no louder than an whisper.

"If you're scared then let someone go with you." Mary says giving the bottle to Amanda.

"No, I mean like really scared, not because of what he'll say, but of what I might do, if we talk."

"Meaning, you're afraid of the fact that you still have feeling for him." Nic says after silently watching the discussion and Evelyn's expressions.

"Yes. No matter how much I try to push him away, he comes back. I know that it's cliché, but I tried to follow that saying... 'if you love someone, let them go.'

How the hell am I surposed to let go, if he keeps on coming back?!" Nic moved closer placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You clearly forgot the other part of that saying... The first part is true, but the seconds part also needs to be remembered.

'If you love someone let them go, but if they are truely meant to be yours they will come back.'" Mary says as Jude nods looking at Evelyn.

"Fine. But I don't think I'll be strong enough to handle that much heartache again." Evelyn says before finishing her desert.

She leaves the table, as well as n couple of shocked faces behind.


The following day was Saterdag, which meant no school, but also patrolling and another meeting at the house.

Evelyn woke up later than she expected and was still a bit drowsy when she arrived at work.

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