34 - Runaway Thoughts

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"I don't have time for this." I say and turn to Jude handing him the forms and run away but before I turned the cornor Jude yells back at me.

"You can't run, and watch out for Mary and Amanda!" I throw a quuck okay back to him before leaving



🔸♦️Alex's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Hey! That is no way to talk to her. If you went through what she went through you'd also not want to be here." I say and see Evelyn run away.

"Everyone calm down, Evelyn is free to do whatever she wants and if you have a problem with that, then speak to me about it." Jude says and I turn to look at him.

"Go after her." Jude says as soon as most of the people start to walk forward.

I run in the direction I last saw her and hear a car start outside, I open the door just in time to see Evelyn in her car driving away wiping at her eyes.

I chase after her car before catching a taxi and tailing her. She stops outside the hospital and climbs out going inside.

I follow a few feet away from her and she enters one of the rooms. She spends a while inside the room before leaving the room.

I stand in front of her and she stops walking since I blocked her way. She look up and panics when she sees me.

"What happened to you at home?" I ask and she sigh noticeably

"She just said a few thing that made me angry..."

"Is that why you went to see the therapist again?" I ask and she nods.

"Look I'm mentally exhausted though physically I feel like lifting a truck. I'll take you home but then I'm staying out a bit" she says and walks away, not waiting for my reply

🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

After dropping Alex at home I went to Cap to deliver the plans as well as the maps and went to discuss everything with him.

"Good. We'll wait for tomorrow but inform me if there is any changes." Cap says before disappearing around the cornor on his phone.

I take a pen and paper writing that I'm leaving and leave it were I know Cap will see it.

I close the door and get in the car driving to the park. Finding a parking spot I sit down and think about everything that I've done and everything I've been through.

I think it's time to call it quits...

I stand up from the bench and head back home.

Parking the car I walk into the  outhouse and straight to my room. I see my bed set up with my mattress already in place.

I grab two blanket throw one under me and the other over me, I take my pillow and try to fall asleep.


The next morning I tried my best to avoid getting called but as soon as everyone was awake they wanted my attention.

First, Alice phoned me, cause she wanted to come over and didn't know what to wear. Then Shane and Junior came to the outhouse wanting me to cook for them. And let's not forget little Miss Kate managed to worm her way into the group.

We were having lunch and she invited herself. She was sticking to Alex like glue and it pissed me off but also made me sad, because they looked like the perfect Hollywood couple.

As soon as that though crossed my mind my entire lunch wanted to make an exit.

I jump up from the table and run to the bathroom, clearing the contents from my stomach.

Feeling weak I hold onto the basin for support but end up slipping I then remember a pain shooting through my ribcage before darkness surrounded me.


🔸♦️ Ray's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Evelyn jumped up from the table and ran away. I followed her and could hear her puking.

When she flushed I opened the door and say her holding onto the basin for support, but before she could stand upright she falls down and hits her head.

"Guys!" I yell and they comes running but everyone panics when they sees Evelyn on the floor.

Alex picks her up and rushes past me and probably out the door. I turn around to see blood in the floor and on the side of the basin.

I call Cap, since he was on emergency calls this week. I take fotos from the basin and the walls surrounding it as well as the blood on the floor.


We were all waiting outside the emergency room when suddenly a doctor comes running into the emergency room yelling something to them before walking out.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Alex asks

"I'm sorry, but I can't share patient information with anyone." the doctor says

"But I'm her boyfriend I need to know, will she be fine?"

"So, you're the F-"

"Where's my daughter?" Jude comes running around the corner

"In surgery."

"And the baby?" Jude asks forgetting that they didn't know.

"Fit and fine."

"Wait, what baby?" Ray asks and Alex looks at Jude expecting an answer.

Jude realises what he said and tries to cover it up but before he could speak another doctor exits the room drawing their attention.

"She stable and sedated. She might wake up in a while untill then wait till she wakes." the doctor says and leaves.

Jude walks into the room and sits next to Evelyn as her chest rises and falls with every breath.

"It's official. I'm wrapping you up in bubble wrap and a blanket before locking you in a cave." Jude says as the others watch him from the doorway.

"I'll probably still end up injuring myself. I am a walking disaster." Evelyn's weak voice says.

Jude looks up as soon as she talks and he chuckles knowing that she's not lying.

"Can I speak with you alone?" Evelyn asks her father and the rest of us leaves the room.


It's barely been a few minutes after we left the room and they were already arguing.

Jude storms out of the room and looks at us for a few moments then storms away without saying anything.

"Where'd he go?" Evelyn ask leaning against the door's frame.

We stand up to help her but she lifts her hand up stopping us.

"I'll manage." She says walking away leaving all of us confused

"What happened?" Someone asks behind us and I turn around to see Cap.

"We don't know." I say honestly and look on as Evelyn keeps losing balance.

"Are we going to help her?" Cap asks and I look at him as if he's clueless.

"Do you want her to kill you. Once she said she'll manage, she might as well have said 'touch me and even Hades won't recognize you'." I say and the rest silently agree


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