42 - Moving Back Home

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"Surprise." He replies

"You need to tell me so I can dress accordingly."

"Restaurant." was all he said.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Chris had taken me to a small restaurant far from the house. And we, surprisingly, had a rather fun time.

After we were done he took me to a carnival nearby and he just relaxed for a bit.

The relaxation was interrupted when my phone rang.

"Tuan speaking..... Okay, file the report and return the items." I sigh and look at the time.

"I still have work to finish, so mind if we wrap it up?" I ask and Chris nods swallowing a yawn.


"Hey, who called you back at the carnival?" Chris asks unlocking the door.

"Cruz. Turns out those three headpieces that were missing from the museum were actually stolen from another museum to show in this museum."

"Wow. So the guy didn't want you to steal them but return them. Why didn't he just file a case if theft?. He says switching on the lights and heading to the kitchen.

"Coffee?" he asks holding up my cup and returns to the kitchen as soon as I nod.

"Apparently he did, but the vase eas never investigated." I remove the books from my bag and lay them out onto the table.

Chris places a steaming cup of coffee on the table and takes one of the books in his hands.

"Damn, I don't remember most of the stuff we did a few years ago." Chris says and places the books back in their place.

"And... Done." I say after while and push up from the chair. Stretching I see Chris fast asleep on the couch.

I slap his ankles and he nearly jumps off of the couch. He looks at me surprised, Chris sighs rubbing his face and getting off the couch.

Chris bids me goodnight and walks into his room. I pick up the last few objects that lay scattered in the room.

I put everything where they nee to be and as I climb the stairs, the landline rings so I walk back down the stairs.

"Tuan speaking."

"Sergeant, huh?" Lucas asks chuckling and I just end the call.

Again the phone rings and I pick up thinking that it's Lucas.

"I thought ending the call meant I didn't want to talk to you, Lucas." I say and hear someone sigh.

"Sorry. I didn't look at the number. How can I help?" I ask

"Can we please talk?" I hear Alex whisper and sigh knowing that it's inevitable.

"I'm busy, I'll let you know." I end the call and exhale the breath I was holding.

I turn around to see Chris standing ot the top kf the stairs.

"Should I be worried that you're talking secretly and softly in the middle of the night." Chris asks giving me a knowing smile.

"Stop acting like a jealous boyfriend." I say and walk into the kitchen switching on the kettle and taking a few cups from the cupboard.

"I'm not a 'jealous boyfriend', I'm a jealous 'husband'." Chris says.

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