31 - A Delightful Trick

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I still need to take my revenge on Nic for that night, though it won't quiet be as painful as what I experienced, it's actually quite the opposite.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Tonight!?" I slap my hand over Alice's mouth preventing her from screaming any louder.

"Yes. I just need you to be the lookout. No one should get any idea of what I'm doing, not even Nic. So I need the drug to kick in as soon as possible."

"Okay but what if you know who finds out?" Carmella asks from the seat in front of me.

"By any means, he shouldn't find out what I'm doing." I say walking to the small fridge under my table and take out a water bottle.

Alice, Carmella and I were in my office planning my revenge on Nic.

"Wouldn't it be better to actually torture him?" Alice asks taking a sip from her tea.

"No. Jude made sure that he would be able to withstand the most painful of events, so physical torture wouldn't have any effect in him." I explain before drinking my medication.

"We'll try our best to make sure that everything goes smoothly." they say and Carmella slides me a vial filled with a purple liquid.

"This wears off within an hour, and it knocks the person who drank it out, before wearing off. I'm not sure when it knocks someone out, it probably differs from person to person." Carmella says as she and Alice walk out of the room after finishing their drinks.


I wait outside Nic's window for him to finally finish with whatever he's doing. I stare at the stars and find the first star that lights up the night's sky.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I know this isn't what you wanted for me, and you might be disappointed in me for what I did, what I'm doing, or what I'm going to do." I say and see the star flickering slowly.

"I know you loved him a lot, and yet he betrayed your love. That's why I'm doing this. I'm doing it for you, and I don't care if they resent me for that. I'm going to make him regret leaving you, but before that I want to make one more person regret." I say and hear a door close inside Nic's room.

🔹🔸🔹 ⚠️🔹🔸🔹

I turn my head and see Nic sitting in his bed. I focus on his movements as he runs a hand through his hair before taking the glass beside his bed and drinking the content.

He lays down on the bed with his legs dangling off the side, still dressed in his suit.

I slowly open his window and crawl into the room.

I walk towards him and stand in front of his legs, before I climb onto the bed strandling him.

He lazily opens his eyes and I can see a hazy glaze covering his eyes

"Evelyn? What are you doing?" He asks with a groggy voice.

"What? Can't I fulfill my brother's deep dark desires?" I ask remiving the ends of his shirt from where they were tucked into his pants

I bend down and leave feather kisses on his exposed throat. Nic keeps letting soft and lengthy moans escape his lips as he slightly lifts his chest towards mine.

Once I'm satisfied that there are enough, I move away and run my fingers through his hair tugging slightly.

"Evelyn..." he moans softly lifting his hips making him grind his leg between mine.

I place my hand in his waist and push him down onto the bed.

"No. Ple-Please I need so-some friction." Nic pleads and I smirk.

"Not yet." I say taking off my hoodie.

"You know, ever since I heard you moan my name in your sleep, it's been bothering me.

Tell you what... If I think you're being honest, you get a treat." I say and slide my knee over his crotch earning a groan in return as he furiously nods.

"Why were you moaning my name so late at night?" I ask running my hand down his stomach as he leans into my touch.

He keeps his eyes closed and I stop moving completely, causing him to open his eyes.

"I'm waiting."

"Cause I l-like you as more than a sibling."

"Really?" As soon as I finished speaking he sighs and tries to get out from my grip.

"Are you aware that we aren't siblings?"

"Yes. And since then I've been having those dreams." he says and I place my hands on his chest to unbutton his first button.

"What was Jude talking to you about the day we went to name Amanda?"

"He want-wanted me to stop with m-my behavior towards you."


"That I should get used to your presence in the house." he says and I see him struggling to stay awake.

I need to hurry this up or I might need to repeat this...

"Please stop teasing me." Nic begs and I can see tears brim his eyes. His nipples were showing through his button shirt and his buldge was evident against his pants.

"Last question. What are you and Jude discussing with the other organization heads without me?"

"I can't tell you."

"Well I guess you don't what your treat." I say and remove my hands from his shirt going to stand up.

"No! Please... I'll tell you. He wants you to marry one of their sons and join the two organizations."

"Thank you. Now for your treat." I whisper into his ear and kiss his jaw. I continue to fully unbutton his shirt before leaving sloppy kisses and hickeys on his stomach.

I grab his shurt and pull him into a sitting position and slide off his shirt while leaning my chest against his.

I leave kisses on his collarbone and shoulder and pull back after a few seconds. I push him back to the bed and start to unbutton his pants.

"Evelyn don't take s-" Before he could finish his sentence he passed out.

"I guess I took too long." I say and chuckle. I pull his arm to that his head lays on a pillow and throw his feet onto the bed.

I take off his pants and throw them in the same direction I threw his shirt.

I redress in my clothes and my phone starts ringing.

"Mrs. Tuan. It's Sergeant Cooper."

"Yes ma'am how can I help?"

"Actually I just need to inform you that the recruitment process will have to be postponed a few months. There has been a flood in a nearby area so we will be transferring them there before the camp."

"Okay. It's not a problem. If you need any help there, I'll be happy to talk to the chief here and ask for permission to assist."

"It's not needed. Asof yet there has been minimal casualties but if we do need help. I'll also ask the chief. Well my jobs done. I'll call you with all the details in a few days."

"Goodbye Sergeant." She ends the call and I hear someone knock on Nic's door. I through the blanket that saw laying on the floor over him and hide inside his bathroom.

"Evelyn." Carmella's voice rings through the room and I exit the bathroom to see her with her head sticking into the room.

"Did you get what you needed?"

"I got enough." I say and exit the room after Carmella. I hear Caemella say my name but I ignore her more focussed on closing the door.

I finally manage to close the door and turn around only to walk straight into someone.


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