21 - Visits From Friends And Family Along With A Promise

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"Why are you over there?" she asks and motions me to her. "Wow, one member of my family doesn't want to speak to me... Well then I guess I might just stay here." she says sarcastically and I shake my head moving closer.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

After Mary, Jude and Nic left the room three more people entered the room. It was the twins and Cap.

"Hi." I say as Carmella gives me a hug and then Carlos and Cap nods his head in my direction.

"How you feeling?"

"Fine now that you're all here." I say and scratch my neck sighing. How long was I out for?" I ask and they become quiet

"What?" I ask and Cap sighs walking closer.

"Almost two months." he says and I chuckle thinking he's joking but then I see that they're all serious.

"Wow. And the civilian?"

"I've had someone keep an eye in him but I need to formally put him under witness protection, though I want to strangle him for compromising your mission." Cap says ans sits down sighing.

I smile at him and the twins start bickering about who knows what, lost in their own world.

"Guys stop bickering. And if you don't, I'm benching you from another mission." Cap says and they grow silent before Cap looks at his watch.

"Oh shit. I need to go see the chief. You two come with me. I'm nkt leaving you alone with her. Bye Evelyn." Cap says and leave the room with the twins in tow.

The next trio to enter is Junior, Alice and Micheal. The three youngest of all of us.

"E!" Alice shouts and pulls me into a bear hug as Junior lays a hand on my shoulder smiling softly.

"Good to see you awake and not laying down completely still." Micheal says and chuckles.

I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I'd talk to Alice or Junior.


The four of us kept on talking, joking around and laughing when someine knocks on the door.

"Mind if we come in?" Shane asks from the door.

"Actually we need to get going anyway, it's our turn to prepare dinner." Alice says and pulls Junior with her.

Micheal stays seated as Alexander and Shane walk into the room. After a few silnet moments Shane focuses on me.

"Do you remember anything from while you were in the coma?" Shane asks and I nod.

"I remember a bit but it's hazy. It kinda looked like your room and we were talking but I don't rememebr about what we talked about." I say and Shane nods, but I can see both Micheal and Alexander tense.

"Don't wreck your brain over it. It'll all make sense soon." Shane says and suddenly his phone rings

"Look guys I have an emergency at home I'll get going then." Shane says and as he walks away Micheal calls him back.

"Wait, let me walk with you. I need to get going anyway. My mother's going to probably be worried about me if she sees that I'm not at home."  Micheal says and says goodbye before going out of the room.

"I'm glad you're doing well, seeing you in that state was terrifying." Alexander says taking my hand in his.

"Hey. I'm fine now. Look I'm awake and nothing's wrong." I say and he nods before his phone vibrates.

He opens his phone and hands me the phone.

"Dear Evy, I hope you get released soon. This house hasn't been the same without you these last two months.

Everyone's sulking and tired. We need our energy bunny back. Oh and when you do come by, wear something light and somthing that dries easy."

"Awh. They are so cute, for a couple of criminals." I joke and he looks at me with slightly squinted eyes.

"Don't forget you also fall under that category." He teases back and pockets his phone.

"See you later." He says and leaves the room just before the nurse comes in to check everything on the monitors

"You need to ask your boyfriend to be more careful if he wants to sneak into your hospital room after hours." The nurse says and checks the clipboard on the table.

"Did you see him?" I ask and fear rises up through my body.

If he's being careless then something really serious must be bothering him. Or he wasn't thinking.

"Okay. I'll talk him. But you didn't answer me."

"No. I didn't see him, but I heard him crying. He sounded hearbroken." she says I nod smiling softly.

"Okay, well this might sound wierd but even though I was in a coma for two months I'm exhausted." She chuckles and removes the unnecessary tubes and needles and so forth.

"It's not uncommon for people to feel that way. So I'll let you take some rest." she says and exits the room.

I lay down and just stare up at the ceiling when I suddenly heard Nic's unclear voice in my head.

"Nic you must've been relieved when you heard I was shot. Maybe even wished me dead.

Enjoy the little bit of freedom you have left. Now I make a promise to you that I'll make sure you're going through hell before I get started."

I close my eyes and sigh falling asleep.



This chapter was more of a filter than anything else🌸

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