15 - Next In Line

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"Well good night. sleep well." I say and I turn around. "For the last time." I hear her whisper before I hear a light switch and the lights turn off.


🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

After Nic left I switched off the light. Waiting a while I hear a commotion down the hall followed by some screaming.

Mary comes into the room and I switch on the light. She sits and sobs on the bed.

"Mary. What's bothering you?" I ask knowing full well what's the problem.

"He found out." Mary says and cries harder.

"He, he who? And what did he find out?"

"N-Nic found out that he's adopted. I never wanted him to find out."

"Sorry Mary, I didn't want you to suffer with my plans." I say to myself before pulling her into a hug.

"Let's get you something to drink and then you're going to bed." I say walking with her to the kitchen getting each of us a glass of hot chocolate.

"What happened?" I ask as I see Nic storm down the stairs. He aims to run straight to me by his mother comes around the cornor and I give her glass to her.

He stops and storms away. I set my glass down and walk after Nic.

"Walk with me." I grab his arm "How's it feel to be on the receiving end?" I ask and smile slightly before placing a hand on his shoulder then turning around and going to Mary.

"Come let's get you to bed, Mary." She nods and walks up the stairs with me following close behind.


The next few days went by ratger quickly. Jude and Nic haven't said a word to each other and the tension was almost unbearable. Which I felt was pretty amusing.

I was busy informing Cap when I heard someone calling me.

"Yes?" I call back

"Come here for a second." Jude calls back to me. So it was him.

"Coming." I lock my phone and walk to his office.

Since the time I left. A few things have changed. We no longer have all the luxury and relaxing things that was there before, except maybe the pool.

It is now mostly offices and storerooms. I walk into father's office and see three other men standing in front of the desk.

Their back were turned to me but when I opened the door further they turn to me.

I immediately recognised two of them as Shane and Junior. But the third surprised me. It was Alexander.

It's been a while since I last saw him, well any of the three.

"You called me?" I say and walk until I'm standing almost beside Jude.

"Yes. I have some new recruits and I would like to train you with them. By train I mean show the ropes."

"What ropes?"

"Guys please excuse us for a minute. You can wait next door. I will send someone to call for you when I need you." They nod and walk out of the room.

"Listen. I know this could come as a shock to you. But I don't make my money as honestly as I used to. A few years after I met your mother she told me she was pregnant with you.

So having little to no money at all, I started gambling to accumulate more money to take care of you and your mother.

I admit that I wasn't as faithful to her as I should've been, through no fault of my own. It turned out that the waiter who was serving our table mixed up the orders.

I was drugged and... hence the Mary link to me. This went on for a few more years and whe, your, out she wanted nothing to do with me anymore.

She even went as far as to tell me that you died. That's why I rejected you all those years ago.

So when I wanted to quit The Table, they forced my hand and I stayed.

Now I've been given enough authority to recruit new members for The Table. And be able to train them to take over from me when the time comes.

I want you to take my place at The Table since you are next in line. I will give you a few days to think about it, but I do need an answer. "

"I don't need time to think. If you trust me enough to let me take over from you, I can try to do that, dad."

Jude stands shocked but regains his composure. "Well then for the next few weeks you'll be training non stop." He says and walks me to the other room.


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