40 - Another Partner

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I  was busy blow-drying my now black shoulder lenght hair. "I might miss my brown hair." I speak no one in particular and switch off the light in the room.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

My sleep was interrupted by someone banging on my door.

Getting out of bed I storm towards the door and pull it open, to find Alice on the other side dressed in uniform.

"Aren't you ready yet?" she asks and walks into the room sitting on my bed.

"Give me fifteen minutes." I say and go to the bathroom, washing my face and getting my brush.

"Did you dye you hair? And get a haircut?" Alice asks and I just sigh before tying my hair in a ponytail, before putting on some concealer and light eyeshadow with eyeliner.

I brush my hair and tie it back again. Walking to the closet I pick up the scattered pieces of clothes and throw it onto the bed.

I open the closet, fold the clothes and remove my uniform from the closet.

I dress in uniform which consist of a white shirt and black pants, along with my badge, tazer, en radio, and then the standard issued shoes.

I chase Alice off the bed before makung the bed and then I walk out of the room after taking my hat with me.

"Why do I have patrol with you?" I ask as soon as I see the car parked outside.

"Even I asked the same. Of all the people, in the station it had to be you." Alice asks and smiles deviously getting into the driver's seat.

"Who was your partner?" I ask knowing she switched partners due to some reason.

"Alvarez." she shudders as I shake my head.

"He only looks like that cause of experience. You shouldn't be so mean, beside he's almost as experienced as the Captain."

"Well, you're my parner and we're patroling the park. Nothing to do about it now." She says and I sigh


A few hours into patrol Alice stops the car and I get out to grab us each a drink.

"Get back to Alice. Something's wrong." Sarah says popping up in front of me.

Turning around I see a car pull up a few spots to the side of the patrol car and jog towards the car.

I drop the bottles and run so that I can come from behind the suspicious person.

Looking closer I can see that the person is a male and he's holds the jacket tightly to his body.

"It's nearly 40° and he's wearing a jacket? And why the hell isn't Alice doing anything?!"

I jog closer and watch as he walks to the passerger's side of the car. I place a hand on his shoulder and he jumps around looking at me fearfully.

"What can I help with?" I ask taking in his appearance.

Around 16 years old, white, jumpy, bloodshot eyes, under fed.

"Listen, if you need help you need to tell me." I say but he just runs away.

I look at him running straight to the car and it speeds away. I note down the lisence plate and the any details of the car.

I look into the patrol car and see Alice typing away on her phone. I open the door quietly and slam it back shut.

The hops on her seat and looks at me bewildered." What the hell?!" she asks as soon as I get in the car.

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