29 - Love Square

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Look I know that you dislike my decision, and I know that it's stupid but I want him to feel what she felt.



🔹🔸🔹Time skip of a few weeks cause the Author's feeling lazy🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"During the past few weeks since everyone met everyone, things have been going smoothly

Everything's been great in fact, but I wonder for how long it's going to last.

I've never experienced hapiness for this long a time span, without something happening.

I nust hope it's not going to create another rift between us." I was buzy filming my video diary when my phone started ringing.


"Officer Tuan this is Sergeant Cooper from the First Responders."

"Evening Sergeant. How can I be of help?"

"We recently got newly recruited officers and we would like you to help us train them. The course  won't take long, but we would be delighted if you could help us out."

"Sure. Send me the details and I'll get ready once the arrangements have been made." I say before continuing the video diary.

"See what I mean. Now before I get to into this subject I need to get some sleep." I say end the video safe it under today's date and shut down the laptop.


🔸♦️ Michael's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Ever since the day I followed Evelyn and the others, I moved into her and Nic's house.

I never knew she had this big a friendship circle, but I guess I was wrong.

I was walking through the halls of the house when I saw one of the doors open a few feet away from me.

Taking a look inside the room I saw a few people discussing something that looked important.

There were papers and maps scattered across the table in between them.

I knock on the door and they all stand up at the sudden sound. I see Evelyn at the head of the table sighing before slapping Stephen at the back of his head.

"Why didn't you close the door?" she asks and rolls up the papers stuffing them into a cupboard before turning to the others.

"We'll continue the discussion at a later time." She says and the rest aalk out leaving me alone with her as she cleans.

"Sorry did I interrupt something?"

"No, actually it's nothing that we cant talk about later." she says and slides her arms around my neck smiling sweetly.

"Oh okay. Well I was wondering if you were buzy tomorrow, cause I wanna take you on a date."

"Another one?" she asks taking a seat on the couch inside the office like room.

"Yes. It's only our fifth date this week."

"It's just to many. Look I'd love to go but I have some work I need to catch up on." she says and stand up walking to the table starting to scan through some paperwork.

"Okay. If you change your mind I'll be at the pool." I say and walk off going to my room inside the house getting a towel.

When I came out of the room I saw someone going into the room Evelyn is in, closing the door

"E, I need help." the person says.

"Okay with what?" I can hear her answer through the door.

"I want to confess but I don't know how to."

"The best way is to tell him straight." she says and starts chuckling.

"How did you know it's a guy? I mean, why do you think it's a guy?"

"Cause you're both whipped but he might take some time realising it." she says and I hear them walk closer to the door I was hiding behind.

I make a run for it and hide behind a plant as both of them walk out of the room.

I can see that the other person's a guy and from where I'm standing it looks like Stephen.

"Are we still on for tonight?" he asks and Evelyn nods.

So she had plans, and she lied to me. So much for the trust she told me about...

I watch as they part ways and as Evelyn walks past me I pull her to me.

Her back hits the wall but I ignore the look of pain on her face as I look at her through knitted eyebrows.

"I thought you said you had work." I ask and grip onto her arms and push her into the wall.

"Michael you're hurting me." she whispers.

🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"I'm hurting you?! You're hurting me!!" Micheal screams and grips harder onto my arms.

His grips loosens and I rub my hand over my arm where he grabbed me.

"Hey!" someone screams before a slap echoes through the hall. I look at Alex with shock as he stands between me and Micheal

"This is no way to handle this! Can't you see that she's hurt. You call yourself her boyfriend, but you end up hurting her!

Keep this in mind. Before the end of next week she'll be mine." Alexander says and storms away pulling me with him.

"Sorry." He says as soon as he takes me to my room. He turns my arm and looks at my elbow before bringing it back to where it was before.

Then he bends the arm so than my right palm rests on my right shoulder.

"You're bleeding." he says and looks around but I open the bedside table and pull out the first-aid kit and hand it to him.

"Here." He takes the kit and starts to clean the scratch.

"Why do I have to endure so long?" I ask and smiles obviously waiting for me to ask.

"Because I like making you wait." He replies and closes the kit after placing the bloodied cottons and wipes in a plastic bag.


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