10 - All It Took Was One Call

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"Your gonna need a pen and paper, cause it's a long list." Sarah said and started pacing through the room as she started listing the names of everyone she remembered



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It's been a few weeks since Sarah told me about what really happened to me at the hospital.

Knowing and understanding are two different things. Currently I've reach the stage where nothing makes sense.

I was walking around when suddenly Sarah stopped beside me. "That's one of them."

I take a picture and walk further away from them. A few blocks away I enter the school.

Dialing a few numbers I send the foto to someone I know and then leave for class.


A few days later the person was found dead inside a dumpster standing in an abandoned alley.

I was sitting on the couch and Sarah came towards me, she was looking kinda down.

"What's wrong?" I asks and she just sits down in the table in front of the couch.

"I just though that after everything you did and everyone you killed I would be free and I could leave from here, but I guess not."

"Maybe there's still someone you still hold a grudge against and don't know about?" I ask and she lays down across the top of the table.

"Don't open the door." Sarah suddenly says as she sits upright.

"Why?" I ask standing up slowly walking to the door.

"If you open that door, you might get into trouble." Sarah says and walks to me.

"So should I or shouldn't I?" I ask then shake my head and open the door.

Outside the door, three police officers were standing.

"Miss Evelyn?" The officer in the middle ask.

"I'm Evelyn." I say and the two officer at the back look shocked.

"Normally I would be arresting you, but I have a proposition for you."

"Come in. We can talk comfortably inside." I say and they nod before walking in.

"To be honest. It feels strange to have to ask something like this from someone that we should be arresting."

"Should be? So you're not going to?"

"We'll see how it goes." The officer says

"Please sit."

"Normally we would, but we haven't come for a friendly chat."

"So you are going to arrest me?" I sit and place my legs on the table. "You said you wanted to ask something?"

"We came with a proposal. If you agree to what we ask..." before he finishes I interrupt

"What's in it for me. How do I profit from this?" I ask and lay my head on my arms behind me.

"Ms Evelyn. Please don't do or say anything that may cause us to completely forget the proposal."


"We'll give you two days. Think the proposal over, but just remember that if we don't get an answer before sunset on the second day, we will be here to arrest you." The officer says and just as he opens the door Mary stands outside holding groceries.

"Officers. What brings you here?" Mary asks and steps inside.

"Just a routine check-up ma'am. There's been a couple break-ins and wanted to jear if you say anything." One officer says handing me a closed envelope.

"Oh no, I haven't seen anythinh. Well, maybe we can have a more personal chat later." Mary says and goes to unpack.

"Mary, let me help then I'm going to my room." I say and help put away the stuff on the counter.

Going into my room, I pull the envelope from my pocket and read the contents.

After reading the letter I tear it to shreds before falling down on my bed. But as soon as I feel a sharp pain shoots through my side I sit back upright

Lifting up my shirt I see the edge of the wound have opened with the sudden movement.

Calling the doctor he walks me through the process of re-doing my stitches with the kit he sent with me.


Somone knocks on the door and I stand up from the couch. Looking through the window I see the same two officers standing on the porch.

"I got it!" I call to the rest of the house.

"Officers. I assume you are here for an answer?" I ask and they nod.

"Yes, we are prepared for whatever your answer is."

"Okay. I accept the offer."

"Good. We will give you all the details later, but first you will need to sign up for the academy."

"What is the duration of the academic training?" I ask keeping an eye out for anyone to hear

"Normally a few years. But if there is anything you need. Please come to HQ and ask away." The second officer says and they walk away.



So kinda a filter chaper....

When writing the story... I kept hitting blanks so I though it best to just make it kinda like a fikter Chapter....

But I will try my best to make it better in the upcoming chapters.))

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