19 - Slipping Inside And First Meetings

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Pressing his hand to the hole he moves his hand away only to see blood on his fingers.

"Well at least, one of us got shot." he jokes and climbs into the back of the SUV.



🔸♦️3rd person's P.O.V ♦️🔸

A black SUV parks outside the emergency door of the hospital and four injured passengers climb out.

"I need some help!" Shane shouts towards the doors jolding Evelyn in his arms, and soon after two nurses holding a strecher come running in their direction.

Three more come running out and attend to Alexander, Micheal and Junior.

All the boys have disposed of their vests, not wanting to draw suspicious to themselves for wearing them.

Evelyn is pushed through the halls of the hospital and into the operation room.

The other three nurses cleaned and bandages their wound and they were currently waiting outside the operating room.

"Who's going to inform the boss?" Alexander suddenly asks and all of them fall silent

"He's not going to be pleased if he find out." Shane mused

"Better he finds out now then later." Micheal mused from the wall next to the operation theater.

"Yeah you're probably right. Here, you call." Alexander throws his phone towards Shane and Shane barely manages to catch the phone due to his arm being in a cast.

"Here goes nothing." He says and dials the boss's number. "

"Boss, we were ambushed. We're pretty injured but... E  got shot-"

He pulls the phone away from his ear and the Boss is heard screaming through the phone.

"I understand sir. No, she's still in surgery. Central Health Hospital. Yes the one a few block from th office. Yes, sir. See you in five minutes."

"That went better than expected." Junior says and hands Alexander back the phone.

Almost exactly five minutes later the hall's doors are pushed open and hit the rubber guards on the floor, preventing them from clashing into the wall.

A man runs towards them and three of them immediately stand on their feet while the fourth stands nervously watching them.

The man takes an assessment of their wound and then he slaps all three of them.

They hold their cheeks and the tall man turns to Micheal, who's still standing against the wall.

Michael's eyes widen and the man sighs. "Mr Tuan." Micheal starts.

"Yes..." He amswers taking a seat beside the other three.

"I must apologize, if I hadn't followed them, they wouldn't have followed me and then none of this would've happened." Micheal says and sits on his knees in front of the man.

"Even if you hadn't followed us, I'm pretty sure they would have already planned an ambush." Shane says scratching his shoulder.

"Meaning?" Junior asks

"Apart from our car there were two other cars, probably where they were laying in wait. And, now that I think about it, getting into the building was way to easy."

"But if they ambushed us, how didn't we find them while searching the floors?"

"It's possible that there could've been an extra closet space or something which we could have overlooked." Shane says and they sigh.

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