25 - The Main Event's Gonna Be Eventful

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"Oh well... Nothing we can do about it now." Sarah jokes from the floor before standing up and then leaves me to talk with Evelyn.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

The day of the main event finally arrived. The school had planned to use our own premises, but the Board of Directors decided that it would break school rules therefore they shifted to the show grounds.

The tickets that were sold online collected a sum of around fifty thousand and the tickets sold at the gate collected around forty five thousand.

Nic and I were allowed to roam around between the stalls before the main event.

I was currently walking around with the twins while the others ran ahead to get themselves set for the fight.

As we walk towards the food stalls two guys come running to us wearing black hoodies and they ran straight into me after pushing me to the ground each getting a few hits in before the twins pulled them off.

After they helped me up I wiped the blood from my mouth and groaned as I held my arm seeing as I fell on it when they shoved me.

"Are you okay?" Carmella asks and hands me a tissue from her bag.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I might need someone to help me in my tent before the match starts in half an hour."

"We'll get Alice. We know she's brilliant with wounds." Carlos says and pylls his sister with him as I walk away.

I finally arrive at my tent and see Nic enter his just before I entered mine.

"What happened?" Alex asks as he rushes into my tent.

"I'm fine. It was Nic's way of making sure he wins. I know it and so does he. He could never win against me in a fair one on one fight." I explain sitting down on the couch inside the tent.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I overheard something a few days ago and I think I might use that to my advantage." I say and sit down as Alice enters the tent with a first-aid kit in hand.

I continue to talk to Alex and the twins as Alice work on my arm. A few minutes later Alice sets down the first aid box and pulls out her small pouch.

"Someone might have to hold her down and keep her distracted." Alice says and when I look at her she has her acupuncture set in her hand.

"Ah! No! Never! You know I hate how that makes me feel!" I scream and before I could jump up they hold me down.

"This is the only way to make sure you don't feel the pain of the fall during your fight. He might purposefully go for this arm knowing that it's injured." Shane says and I sit down squeezing my eyes closed waiting for Alice to finish.

"Done." Alice says after a few minutes and packs up before standing up. "I'm going to join the others at the seats." Alice says and leaves me inside the tent with Micheal and Alexander.

"Anything to drink?" Alexander asks and walks to the front of the tent.

"Water for me." I reply and Micheal has a pondering look on his face before sitting down a few feet from me.

"Yeah water is fine." he says and Alex walks out leaving us alone in the tent.

"Evelyn. Can I ask you something?"

"You already did but go ahead." I sass before sighing.

"I wanna do something but I don't want you to get mad." Micheal says and moves from his seat to sit down beside me.

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