23 - Presentarion With An Almost Fight

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This will continue until all the school have finsihed. If all goes well there will be no school tomorrow, so if you work according to schedule you get a treat, otherwise we'll all see you tomorrow."



🔸♦️ Love's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"All right everyone. We have our final presentation before going home.

We want to thank everyone for your patience. Now I present Jude Tuan who will be assisted by his children. Evelyn and Nicholas." the principal of Gregon Ridgewood High finished and walks off the stage. The lights go off and then switch back on.

The audience quiets down as Evelyn and Nicolas stand in the centre of the stage each with a spotlight shining in them as the rest of the stage stays dark. Each holding a mic in their hands and then starting the presentation.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. We won't keep you here for much longer."Nic starts the presentation. Both the siblings were dressed very neatly in formal attire. Nic in a full black suit and Evelyn with black pants a botton shirt and she even had on a pair of low heels.

"We had asked permission from the principals and they agreed. So as all of you know our father is the owner and MD of a security franchise." Evelyn continues her part before walking away from Nic but the spotlight still stays on her.

She hands her mic to someone behind her and they hand her the handfree mic. As she sets up the mic Nic continues with his speech.

"So we want a few volunteers who would like to try their luck against these four after the presentation, but before you volunteers we want to show you want you'll be up against." Nic says stepoing to the side a bit to reveal four guys standing behind him.

"Now to bring your attention back to what we do. As everyone already knows, safety is important. So as a company we train, not only security guards but also police officers and even give some self defense classes." Evelyn says after fixing her headpiece

"Caleb, can you please join me." Evelyn calls and one of the four guys steps forward towards Evelyn

"Now. This is the vest every guard and officer wears.

Each pocket is for a different item, which depends on the sort of job you do."

Evelyn spends a good few minutes explaining the basics of each iten and its use. She then goes on to explain and demonstrate the technical points of the items before looking iver at Nic and he nods.

"Now that the boring part is over." as soon as he finished his sentence the audience chuckles "Who want to see me going against one of these men, one-on-one." Nic says and shifts the attention back to him.

"Wait, wait, wait. Seeing as there are four guys... Wouldn't it be fair if I also go against one of them?" Evelyn asks and I can't help but smile at how devious she looks.

Nic lifts his shoulders and brings them down. They really di act kike the perfect siblings. If only they knew the true Evelyn and Nicolas.

They give a whole new meaning to the term. 'Looks can be decieving.'

"But let me change my clothes first. I can't fight him in a suit." Nic starts to say but Evelyn starts laughing

"What?" Nic asks dumbfounded as he looks at Evelyn.

"You really think someone who want to attack you will let you change clothes before fighting him." she says and laughs so hard she sits on her knees holding her stomach.

"Listen to me carefully. You shouldn't say something like that. You could get hurt. Besides you might not even make it through the first few minutes of the fight. Even if they went easy on you, you would still loose. So there's no use in trying, Evy." Nic draws out Evelyn's nickname and she stops laughing.

"Oh it's so on. Forget about the other. Now it's you and me."

"We can't fight in these clothes." Nic says but I assume he's trying to avoid fighting Evelyn.

"No, no. You were the one who said that I'd loose even if they went easy on me. Now listen to me everyone. This was not part of the presentation. But would you like to see me take on my little brother?" Evy teases bacm and the while auditorium starts shouting.

"No. No fighting." one principal comes onto the stage ready to keep them apart when their father steps onto the stage.

"I think we should let them fight. If not here then they will find someplace else to fight, and that probably going to be at home and I don't feel like buying more furniture, again. I hardly finished paying the previous off before they destroyed them."

"Wait, Evelyn's hurt wouldn't it be unfair since she's not fine?" I see Alice jumping up from her seat.

"No, trust me it Evelyn might still win." Jude says before walking in-between his two children. "

"No, I'm not going to allow this inside the auditorium." The principal says and the crowd lets out cheers of disagreement.

"Wait. I have an even better idea." Nic says and Evelyn sigh.

"You people are no fun." She pouts and I can't help but smile at her. She sees me looking at her and laughs.

"Okay. Let's make it official. We'll hold a big rally and our fight will be the main event. What do you say?" Nic asks the crowd and everyone cheers aa Evelyn nods her head.

"Remember I'm practically healed so... Get ready to loose." Evelyn says and walls off of the stage and to her friends.


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