09 - First Session And Second Meetings

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"Don't you think we should get her some help?"

"Normally I wouldn't agree with you but seeing it myself, I think it's a good idea."



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"I really don't know why I need to see someone?" I sigh as we stop outside the office building.

No one talked as we walked into the building, and neither when we took the lift to the offive were I need to meet my 'shrink'.

"Goodbye, Sir. See you at the next session." A voice says and as we turn the cornor he pulls his hoodie over his face.

Something about him seems familiar so I turn back and place my hand on his arm. I see my family walk further up the stairs and as I turn back to the guy, he's looking at me.

"Aren't you-" before I could continue he pushes me into the cornor of the stairs and stand in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"Quiet. I'm pretty sure someone from a respected family shouldn't be spotted by the other students of school. Especially at a place like this, besides the staff is used to me standing here after my session."

"Evelyn!" Mary calls and then she just turns around and walks away.

"Apparently she can't see you either." he jokes and rest his forehead on mine sighing.

"If you don't mind my asking... What are you here for?" I ask and stare at his face seeing a slight flicker of something in his eyes before it disappeared.

"Survivor's guilt. Among other things." he says and looks around before letting me go back upstairs.

"Hey Evelyn, you didn't tell me your reason."

"You never asked." I say and he pulls me back by my arm.

"What are here for?"

"Apparently I'm not all well upstairs." I say and walk away when he left my hand.

Entering the room I see Jude and Mary sitting in the couch discussing something .

"Here she is." Mary says and they leave me alone in the room.


"So how did it go?" Mary asks from the passenger seat.

"I really don't know what to tell you. Dr Manny said that she could only get a complete diagnosis after a few sessions." I say and hold my earphones up and Mary nods.

I place the earphones in my ears and play my music while we drive home.

The whole drive home, my mind kept thinking back at that something that flickered in his eyes.

"We're home." Mary says tapping my knee. Nick was at home with a few of his friends.

They were keeping themselves busy in the entertainment room while I returned to my room and sat down on the bed.

"Sarah?" I call hoping she could hear me.

"Yes, you called me?"

"Do you think that what the docotr said is true. About the whole personality change thing?"

"Yes, definitely. I can see my characteristics reflect in you. You now share my serenity in a blank space, even my short temper. But you know the best of all you have my thirst. The thirst of wanting something or someone you shouldn't have. "

"So basically I'm like two in one?" I ask laying down on the bed.

"Yes and you don't need a shrink to tell you that. For most of my teen years I was in and out of mental asylums, theough no fault on my own. It's not my fault I say someone murder my sister. As soon as I got better I would 'relapse'.

They tried a lot of things, but none worked. Finally I got out, I thought that I would finally take revenge on those who wronged me but then the accident took place.

Now I'm stuck with this useless body."

"Do you think that you will find 'peace' if you make those suffer, who made you suffer?"

"Probably. If I'm still stuck with you after that, I'll help you as best I can. Deal?"


"Your gonna need a pen and paper, cause it's a long list." Sarah said and started pacing through the room as she started listing the names of everyone she remembered.


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