27 - Sudden Realization

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"I'm getting released tomorrow at four. Remember to come pick me up." Mary says and I chuckle as she scolds Jude.



🔸♦️ Love's P.O.V ♦️🔸

She hides everything so well behind that smiles she wears like a mask.

I hate not being able to do anything about the fact that's she's heartbroken and I can't mend the pieces back together.

"I can't take this anymore" I say and stand up from my table in the cafeteria and walk over to Evelyn's so-called 'friends'.

"I need to talk to all of you now." I say and storm off looking for an empty classroom so I can talk with them without anyone suspecting or hearing anything.

"How are you doing?" Alice asks her voice lined with sympathy.

"I'm fine but Evelyn's not." I say and I could see some of them rolling their eyes.

"Really? Is this how you're going to be just by hearing her name?" I ask and Carmella sighs going to exit the room.

"You really don't know." I say softly and Shane looks at me with knitted eyebrows. "I should've known she'd never tell you." I say and sit down on a desk.

"I need you all to apologize to Evelyn for your behavior." I say and Alice scoffs

"Why should we apologize to someone who doesn't cares for someone's feelings?" Alice asks

"Because she cares a whole lot more than you think. She didn't willingly accept his feelings. She did it because I asked her to accept them." I confess but I know Evelyn's going to angry at me for telling them.

"What do you mean?" Carlos asks as he pulls his sister back into the room.

"I want revenge on Michael for something he did a few years ago and Evelyn's helping me. That's the only reason she accepted his feelings." I say hanging my head low.

"I don't understand." Shane says and I stand up.

"Michael used to date my sister a few years ago and she was madly in love with him. But one night he came into the house, drunk saying that he never loved my sister and just used her to satisfy his desires.

On hearing this my sister committed suicide inside her room. She was hanging the whole night and when I went to wake her, I found her, the next morning with a note explaining why she hung herself. "

"So that means that she's still in love with you." Carlos says and I nod before hearing the classroom door open before slamming shut.

I look up to see Alice gone from the room and the others walking to the door.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Shane asks

"Because I didn't want anyone to know about it." I say feeling extremely guilty for keeping it from them.

"So she kept it a secret and just kept accepting our hate. She's even stronger than I thought." Shane says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"She's not strong. She may act like that in front of others, but everything affects her greatly. I even caught her cutting again."

"Again?" Shane asks sitting beside me

"Yeah, the first time I met her wasn't at school like she thinks. It was in the hospital the same day I found my sister.

She had began cutting so deeply that the doctors thought she'd die. But by some miracle she survived. We talked for hours on end though she was heavily medicated to keep her in that conscious-unconscious state and to prevent her from opening her stitches.

She revealed everything to me and I was a complete stranger. Soon after we started talking I realized that I was in love with her.

So I transferred here with the hopes of being with her, and it worked. After I met her, my life took a complete turn and I'm glad about that.

Now feeling what I feel and knowing that she's started cutting again. I'm scared she might go overboard and I might loose her if I'm not with her, and I don't want to loose her." I sob into my arm feeling Shane tap his hand on my shoulder.

"You won't." He says and sighs

"How do you know?" I ask wiping my tears.

"Let's just say that I'll be the first to know if she's going to die." Shane says and smiles before leaving the room.

What does he mean by that? I ask myself before wiping my tears and sighing.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and after reading the message I smile.

From: LYN♥️

Hi, when are the
guys coming so
we can hangout?
Read: 12:05

To: LYN♥️
They're landing
next week, but they

also want to meet the
Read: 12:05

From: LYN♥️
Like that's going
to happen...
Read: 12:06

To: LYN♥️
It might happen
sooner than we think...
Read: 12:06

From: LYN♥️
Seeing is believing...
Anyways, when are
we telling them about
your plan?
Read: 12:06

To: LYN♥️
They already know 💋
Read: 12:07


I place my phone back in my pocket after sending the message and feel my phone vibrating like crazy. I smile knowing that she's bombarding me with messages.

At least she's distracted from Alice and the others... I leave the room just before the bell rings signaling the end of lunch and the halls are alive with chatter as the students leave the cafeteria.

I make it to my next class and see Evelyn outside art class talking with Alice.

Evelyn looks unbothered by Alice's presence and at first I thought she'd accept the apology but instead she slapped Alice.

Wow. I guess she was more hurt than I thought...

"Did you honestly think that I'd do that to him?" Evelyn ask as the halls quiet down after the slap.

"I'm sorry. I was shocked and I listened to rumors instead of coming to you." Alice says and looks down as she lets a tear fall.

"Give me some time, but even the others should apologize before I take any step." Evelyn says but I know she's already forgiven them.

I smile and walk into class getting my books out as I wait for the teacher to start the lesson. Alice comes into the room just before the teacher and her cheek still has Evelyn's hand imprint on it.

"Sorry. I didn't think she's slap you." I say and the teacher hands me the attendance list to check.

"It's fine. I deserved it." she says and Mr Gregory starts the lesson.


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