37 - Looks Can Be Deceiving

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"They say talking to a stranger help release stress." Chris says and I chuckle.

"It's nothing. Don't worry. You can shower. I'll go to sleep."



🔹🔸🔹This is just Evelyn's P.O.V of what happened inside the store where Alex and Kate were buying food🔹🔸🔹


🔸♦️3rd person's P.O.V ♦️🔸

In the last few days Chris and Evelyn  have become rather good friends.

"Maybe pretending to be your wife won't be as bad as I thought." Evelyn say as they drive to the supermarket.

"Well, let's not forget that we've come here to see who the buyer might be." Chris says and parks the car in front of the shop.

"Let me just go grab something to eat." Evelyn say and opens the door.

"But we just ate breakfast." Chris says and Evelyn chuckles

"Fast metabolism." she uses the excuse not wanting him to find out yet as she's not ready for another person to know the truth.

Evelyn walk down the aisles and finally find the sweets section. Searching for the fruits and nuts mix she finds it on the top shelf, but was to short to reach.

Stretching as far as she could another hand appears in her vision and hands her the packet. She turns around and comes face to face with Alex.

He smiles at her softly and Evelyn's heart starts beating quickly, but as soon as her heart beats, it shatters.

After he handed her the packet, he turned around and walked away towards a girl holding papers in her arm and he laughs at something she says, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I guess he couldn't wait to move on."

Feeling a knot in her thoat Evelyn suddenly lost her appetite and immediately made a beeline for the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach.

Wetting her forehead and cheeks she calls Chris and says that she's going home.


🔹🔸🔹A few days later🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Evelyn. Please eat something." Cap's voice sounds from the other side of the door.

"Go away."


"I said Go! Away!" I scream and fall back onto the bed crying again.

"My heart's broken, and they expect me to eat. If it wasn't for my pregnancy, the balcony would look very tempting." I say and climb under the blanket again.

"Now, you leave me no choice." Cap says and his voice disappears.

I just start to fall asleep, when suddenly tyres crunching on gravel disturbs my peaceful moment.

Soon after that a car door slams and and it's silent for a few seconds before the sound of someone running up the stairs are heard.

"Where is she?" A man's voice is heard from outside the room and a few seconds later the door bursts open and I see Jude standing in the doorway.

I look at him shocked before I start to tear up. I could see my vision blurring and I could feel my bottom lip quivering.

Seeing him look at me like he actually missed me sent me over the edge. I started wailing before he took me in his arms letting me cry into his chest.

"He- He- He m-mo-moved o-on." I start to say before irregularly breathing through hiccups.


"... It do-doesn't m-ma-matter any-more." I say and just continue crying.

I start wailing again and Jude tries to help me calm down, but it just keeps on worsening.

"L-l-leave m-me a-al-alone." I say seeing four blurry figures near the door and when Jude tries to stand up I hold onto his shirt tighter.

🔸♦️Jude's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"L-l-leave m-me a-al-alone." Evelyn says but when I try to stand up she just grips my shirt.

I look to the side and see them walk away from the room.

I move into a more comfortable position and after a while she calms down, hiccuping every now and then after she fell asleep.

I slowly stand up from the bed, cover her with a blanket and leave the room.

I had just closed the door when I turn around to see everyone stand outside the room expectedly.

I say nothing, fearing that if I spoke my tone might wake Evelyn. So I walk down to the room furthest from Evelyn's room.

"What the hell did you do to my daughter!?" I yell directing my question at the boy I am unfamiliar with.

"Nothing, we were going to the supermarket when she suddenly called me and said she was going home. And when I arrived, I heard her crying in the room. So I called Cap and ever since then we've been trying to get her to tell us something, anything."

"When did this happen?" I ask my tone lower

"Four days ago. And she hasn't eaten anything since. " Cap says and I could feel my blood boil.

"You mean that she's been starving for four days and you only called me today!?"

Things are heard falling before we look to the side to see Alex on his knees with Kate trying to console him.

"This is your fault, isn't it?" I grab Alex by the collar and shake him.

"Why is it his fault?" Kate asks and Jude looks at her with rage before looking back at Alex.

"Didn't you see? As soon as she calmed down she saw him and started crying again."

"It's your fault!" I scream and push him backwards into a cupboard.

🔹🔸🔹😇To be continued😈 🔹🔸🔹


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