06 - All You Need Is A Little Push

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"Before the end of the party. Remember today is about you, I don't want to make it about me." Mary says and fixes the fastener of the necklace before we go downstairs for the party.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Once we reached the top of the stairs Jude began with his speech.

"Can I have everyone's attention. Today is a special day, someone very close to me finally returned to my care.

Though she was far away from me, I still kept her close to my heart, one day hoping she would return, and today is that day.

As all of you are aware, I do have a son with my second wife, Mary. Before that in my first marriage, I had a daughter.

Today is about her, so please welcome... Evelyn." Jude finishes his speech and Mary links her arm in mine and we walk down the stairs.

One after the other every one, had his or her own questions. I had answered most of the questions to the best of my abilities.

Most seemed satisfied with my response but some still had more questions.

"Everyone, please move to the dining hall, dinner has been served." Mary announces after tapping her ring against her glass.

Everyone moved to the hall, in small groups. Once everyone was seated, the cheff exited the kitchen and announced the menu for the evening.

Starters was a small salad. Appetizers was a light mushroom soup. The main was two pieces of pork chops and a side salad. Desert was chilli chocolate mud cakes and custard apple ice-cream, dressed with chocolate sause.

When everyone finished with the meals. We all returned to the main hall. Music was playing and there were tables filled with drinks and even some sweets.


Staring at the lights of the city around us I loose myself in breeze as it touches against my skin. The roof door swings open and a group of men dressed in suits group and whisper.

They whisper unaware of my presence as I move closer so that I can make more out of their conversation.

"... then again who would have guessed that the man behind every problem is also the man who solves all their problems.

Mr. Jude you are truly tbe epitome of the idiom 'looks can be deceiving'.

I heard a little bird whisper. It said that your daughter is very talented. Would you mind if I tested that?"

Different people said and asked, most in slurred voices. None of it shocked me, but not hearing Jude stop them hurt more.

I know that I always push him away, but somewhere deep down I wanted to know if he still cared. Hearing him not stopping any of them hurt more than I thought.

I gasp and one of the men heard me. He turned around slowly giving me enough time to hide.

A few minutes later the roof door closes but I stay hidden for a few more minutes, before coming out of hiding.

"How much did you hear?" someone asks behind me. Frightened I spin around and again I come face to face with the one and only Nicolas.

"E-Enough, to understand that you just need me for business." I says and slowly step back.

"Will you forget what you saw and heard?" Nicolas asks and steps closer to me.

"How?" I ask and feel myself walk against something. To afraid to see what was blocking my path, I try to feel the object while still looking at Nicolas.

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