33 - The Clans Settle

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Completely shocked they turn to each other before jumping out of the bushed scaring both Alex and Evelyn.

"What?!" they both yell and look between the two near the pool.




🔸♦️3rd person's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Ray and Stephen stand completely shocked as they stare as Alex and Evelyn.

"When did that happen?" Ray asks and Evelyn chuckles as she rests her head on his shoulder

"When you left for Nationals." Evelyn says and laughs at their shocked faces.

"Ray come with me and I'll tell you everything. " Evelyn says as she takes Ray's hand walking away.


🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I was waiting to welcome the representatives from the clans when my phone went off.

I take the phone from my pocket and answer without looking at the caller ID

"Evelyn's phone. Evelyn speaking."

"Have they arrived yet?" Cap asks and I look around me to see no one

"No, sir. The meeting will be held tomorrow inside City Hall. I've also already set up plans for every possible situation. I will send the plans to you."

"Good. Wait for further orders." Cap says and disconnects the phone.

In the distance a line of cars turn, making their way down the street.

Seven cars park outside in the driveway and, out of each of the cars, two people climb out.

There were now 14 guest standing outside the house.

I go to greet them but they just walk past me, paying no attention to me.

The last two of the fourteen walk my way and greet me.

"Sorry for their behavior, they're just sour that the venue was changed at the last minute." the man says and walks my way.

"I'm Xavier, and this is my daughter Kate. You must be Evelyn."

"Yes. If you'll excuse me, I need to attend to my guests- I mean the guest." I say and walk away after he nods

"Mr Tuan apologized for not being able to greet you personally, but if there is anything you need don't be afraid to ask to the other staff.

Now if you'll follow me, I'll be showing you around the office as well as to your assigned rooms." I finish and they slowly walk behind me.

"Now the house covers about a just under half an acre. And the surrounding area which covers about two acres of land is private property.

The house has four floors and a basement. The ground floor we use for classes and other recreational purposes.

The first and second floors are all offices and storage areas, the third floor is our personal floor. Before I forget the basemnet has been made ready for anything you want to store. Any questions?"

"What kind of classes do you give?" a guy a few years older than me ask and steo forward a bit.

He was short but also built. He had a tribal sleeve which showed past the rolled up button up shirt. His features were sharp and his lips were full.

"It depends. We give self-defense, archery, fire-arm... And so forth"

"Who are you anyways, and how do you know so much about this place." the same guy asks again and before I could speak someone behind me speaks.

I turn around to see Alex, Shane, Cole and Junior behind me.

"She's the bo-" when I realized what Cole was saying I spun around and punched him on the throat leaving his gasping for breath.

Junior and Shane looked shocked before they started to chuckle.

"Sorry Cole." I yell as they carry him away and he puls his tumb in the air.

"Evelyn, did you just punch Cole. Again." I hear Jude ask and I turn to him slowly.


"Sorry for arriving late, I had an accident to take care off." Jude says and Amanda giggles. "And also for my daughter's behavior just now."

"He had it coming." I say and turn to Jude. "Anyways they’ve been shown what they need to see, and they also need to be given their room. Since you're here I can finish my work."

"What work could be so important, that you'd leave your father's guests?" someone else chips in from the crowd and I look to see one of the clan heads walking to me.

"It is a secret, so why would I tell you. And besides I'd never leave my father alone if it wasn't important."

"Where are you going though?" Kate asks from beside her father. "Are you that disinterested in what your father does to keep feeding you, you ungrateful brat." both Jude and I chuckle, knowing my plan was going to leave them completly shellshocked

"I don't have time for this." I say and turn to Jude handing him te forms and run away but before I turned the cornor Jude yells back at me.

"You can't run, and watch out for Mary and Amanda!" I throw a quuck okay back to him before leaving.


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