16 - Initiation

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Jude stands shocked but regains his composure. "Well then for the next few weeks you'll be training non stop." He says and walks me to the other room.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It's been weeks since we've started training and while I was working through some of the paperwork Jude walks into my office.

"Since we've already done you're initiation. Would you mind helping me out with the others' initiation?" he asks when I look up from the files in front of me.

"Sure. Take a seat and let me finish up and then we can talk."

"Spoken like a real leader." Jude chuckles and I look at him deadpanning.

"I'm not, not until the ceremony." I say and file the papers back into place then sit down sighing. "All done."

"Okay. What did you have in mind for the initiation?" I ask

While everyone os getting ready for bed, we should set up the basement.

Three holes dug a few feet from each other with poles sticking out of them is all that's able to be seen.

A light should be hanging from the ceiling as the only source of light in the room.

They should open the basement door and shove them in before they step into the room.

Ben, Clayton and Harry should each grab one of the three laying on the floor.

Shane, Junior and Alexander should then be positioned on their knees with their hands tied behind them.

Their ties should be loosened enough to not let them escape but to instead tie them to the poles.

Then we begin with the ceremony. " I suggest and Jude mulls it over before nodding

"We'll do it your way."

Jude calls a few people and explains the plans. He dials another number and I busy myself trying  to lighten the massive load of paperwork that's on the table.

Who would have though running a business was this hard? I was scurrying through more papers when Jude knocks on the table and then points to the balcony.

"They're ready." Ben says coming into the office.

"Okay. Oh and knock next time." I say closing the file and the laptop. He chuckles and follows me as I walk a few doors down and stop outside the last door in the hall.

"Time for fun." I chuckle and Ben swallows.


"Sorry guys. I may have gone a little overboard." I apologize as I take out the first aid kit.

"A little? You knocked my tooth out!" Shane shouts

"Sorry." I apologize and pour some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball then liggtly dab it over the wound on Shane's cheekbone. He winches and pulls back. I hand him the cotton ball and move on to Junior.

"Damn he really did a number on you."  I whisper and see an unamused look on his face.

I take another cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and start cleaning his wounds. He whinches slightly every now and then but other than that he is still.

I place the plasters on the wound and give him an ice pack for the swelling.

Moving on to Alexander, who wasn't that beaten. I also give him a ice pack then place the kit.

"Congrats you're now official members of The Table." I say then leave the room.


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