11 - Taken Away

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"What is the duration of the academic training?" I ask keeping an eye out for anyone to hear

"Normally a few years, but with the skill you already have, it should be more than a few months. If there is anything you need. Please come to HQ and ask away." The second officer says and they walk away



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It's been a while since the officers came to seek my answer on the offer they offered me.

I know that I will need to gain his trust before I can do anything. I was on my way to school when, an idea popped into my head.

Recording the idea with the recorder I  return to my walk on the way to school a few weeks before break.

The whole school day went my pretty fast, but then again time can really past if you aren't paying attention.

In each class I was shouted at for not paying attention, but little do they know why.

Going to lunch I was sitting at my usual seat near the cornor of the cafeteria, when suddenly the chair in front of me was pulled out and pushed away.

I look up from my books to see no one other than Micheal standing before me.

He grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me against the wall behind me.

I groan and rest my head against the wall, he looks at me up and down and talks to himself. He looks at me one last time and then he walks away.

I groan and places a hand over the stitches, I lift my shirt and see the wound still intact.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks from beside me. I turn towards the voice and see Alex beside me.

"Alex. Yeah I'm fine, been through worse." I say and push my chair back to its place before taking my seat.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks and I shake my head.

"If you don't mind my asking, what happened?" Alex asks and places his bag down on the floor.

"She probably had to get her rotten organs removed! Hey Alex! Careful you wouldn't want to be infected by her!" Someone from the side of the cafeteria shouts.

"Anyways... You were going to answer me." He says and turns back to me.

"The short story is that I fell four stories." I say and pack up my books.
"Anyways. I have class. Bye" I say before leaving.


The rest of the day went by relatively fast. And I was making my way home thinking of a way to convince Jude to let me go away for a while.

I plug my earphones in and walk across the street, stopping when I heard a car radio being switched on.

Hearing the report on the radio about kidnappers being at large, it gave me an idea.

Pulling my phone from my pocket I dial Marcus' number.

"Marcus. I need you to do another job. No you don't need to kill anyone."

"Okay. What's the job?"

"I need you to rough someone up for me." I say and could immediately hear him complaining.

"Look I have a good reason for wanting to this. So, can you do it ot not?"

"I can try. I will just need the info." Marcus says and I disconnect the call.

On my way home I start to think about a story to spin and to convince Jude and Mary.

"Evelyn!" Someone call and I look around to see a girl running after me.


"I know you don't know me, but we moved into your house a while ago. I came across a photograph and I thought you'd want to have it back." The girl says and hands me my family photograph.

"Thanks. You know my name but what is your name?"

"Alice. Alice Rubio." she says and we shake hands.

"Nice to meet you."

"Same here. Listen I've been wondering if you were free this afternoon. I'm new to town and I was kinda hoping you could show me around." while listening to her I place my bag down on the floor taking out a pen and paper from the bag.

"I will have to ask Mary and Jude first but I'll let you know. I'll give you my number and just send me a message so I know it's you." I say writing my number down on a piece of paper before giving it to her.

She nods and places the paper in her pocket before walking away. I head back home and look around before going into the yard.

"I'm home." I call to no one in particular. Mary comes around the corner and greet me as I place my bag down on the floor.

"Mary, I'm in my room if you need anything or any help." I say leaving the bag downstairs.

Taking the stairs I walk up one flight before being pushed to the side by Nick and Michael.

Sighing I continue my way up the stairs. Entering the corridor, I notice that my room door is open.

I softly walk forward until my back touches the wall. I slide closer to the door and stop just short of the doorway.

Peaking into my room, I see Jude sitting on my bed. He was holding what seemed to be a photo frame while talking to the photo.

I walk into the room and clear my throat. Jude jumps up and puts the photo down on the bed.

"Evelyn. Sorry I was looking for you, and got distracted." Jude says and I walk over to the bed placing the photograph of my mother back on the table.

"You said you were looking for me. I'm here, what did you want?" I ask and sit down on the bed placing my pillow on my lap.

"May I?" He asks and I nod

"I was looking for you. Nick says that there is an exchange program at the school. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to also join the exchange?"

"No, thank you. I trying for a calm 3rd year of high school next year where I focus on my studies." I say and Jude nods.

"What are you planning on studying?" Jude asks

"Maybe somewhere in a criminal way. Almost something like Criminal defense attorney." I say studying his reaction.

"Wow. Well whenever you need something just let me know." Jude says

"Sure, Father." I say and I knew it was going to startle him.

He looks at me going to say something but I stop him. "Or do you prefer Jude?"

"No, no. Father is fine." He says and walks out closing the door behind him.

"Oh and... EVELYN!" Jude screams running towards me and I felt something press against my mouth before my eyes start to close.

To say I was terrified would be lying. While my eyes close I see Jude struggle inside the arms of an unknown man.

"My last thought before passing out was. 'Wow, I guess he really does care.' And that is how I ended up with you sorry asses."

I finish the drink in my hands and throw the can away.

"Tomorrow's a big day. Be sure to get enough sleep." I finish before walking up the stairs.

"Yes Ma'am." they salute each with a beer in hand.


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