05 - The Party

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"I wanted you to wear something you like at the event tomorrow." Mary says and places the box back in the bag.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I don't know why but I feel like Mary was actually sorry for everything she did and said years ago.

But she shouldn't think that a few pieces of jewelery is goung to make up for the hell I was put through.

"Evelyn." a cold voice says and I remove my gaze from the front yard to Nicolas standing a few steps away from me.

"Father wants me to inform you that the preparations will be starting in a few hours. He has also said that Mother will be taking you along to the salon. So get ready. You leave in a few minutes."

I nod closing my book and going up stairs. As I walk past Nicolas he pushes me against the doorway.

"I swear, one day he's going to be responsible for my death." I whisper rubbing the spot that collided with the wall.

"Mary I'm just going to get dressed and then we can go." I say as I walk past her shared room with Jude.

"Okay, I'll wait downstairs." Mary says fixing her  hair into a low ponytail.


We arrive outside the salon and seeing as we arrived early we had to wait a few minutes.

I had told Mary that I will get us something to eat and so I went. On my way to the food court I wasn't paying attention and walked into someone.

"Really?!" the person askes as I stumble into one of the benches near the stairs.

"Evy!" the person says overly friendly with a high pitched tone. I stand up straight to see Nicolas and Micheal walking with a few of their friends.

"Guys." I greet and make a move to walk past them but Nicolas pulls me back.

"Why are you here and not getting ready?" Nicolas asks and grabs a hold of my arm holding onto it tighter.

"We were early so, I wanted to get us something to eat while we wait." I say stepping back when he steps forward.

He removes his hand from my arm and I flinch out of habit. Half expecting a slap from him like he usually does whenever I reply, saying that I have an attitude.

"Fine." Nicolas says and walk off.

"With the way everything is happening, it seems I might get killed today. Especially if his jealousy continues... I'm just going to stay away from everyone and just stay with them when needed." I sigh and go to buy two small chicken mayo salads and return to Mary.

"Just in time." Mary says and takes the bowl of salad. As soon as she takes a bite she sighs in delight.

"The only time I can eat such food is when I'm away from home. Seeing as I'm pregnant, Jude's not going to let me eat anything else when he finds out."

"Wait, you're pregnant? Again?" I ask and she nods continuing to eat her food.

"Yes. And I'm going to need your help to tell Nick. Will you help me?" Mary asks as she sets aside half if her salad.

"Absolutely not." I say and she frowns.

"Why not?"

"Nick doesn't like me... He want to be an onky child. I just...." Just then they called our names stopping me from saying anything further and we take our seats, which conveniently were rather far apart


When we finished with our manicures and pedicures, we had a massage and some mud masks on while they washed our hair.

After that was done they styled our hair. My hair was styled in a normal braid until the bottom where the hairline stops.

Then it was tied in a ponytail before they made a rose like flower out of the remaining hair, sticking on a few white pearls and glitter to make it extra beautiful.

Mary's hair was done in an elegant manner. A headband was placed on her hair and the hair was twisted around the band. The hair almost looked like a crown around her head. There where small flower and beads put into the hair and it was gorgeous.

Her hair paired with the pregnancy glow made her look even more beautiful.

When we finshed at the salon we directly went back home and now we are inside the car.

"It's safe to say that we are now friends." I say when we stop outside the house.

"Really?" Mary asks. "I know that I didn't like you at first, especially since I didn't like your mother. But spending time and seeing you often as you lived with Mohit, I got used to you and somedays even caught myself thinking about you." Mary confesses.

"Wow. It's good that we are friends, I think Jude might be happy on hearing the news." I say and open the door as we chuckle.

"What will I be happy about?" Jude asks as he crosses his arms standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Evelyn, has promoted me to her friend." Mary says and Jude smiles widely.

He runs to us and gives both if us a hug. Seeing as I was encaged between them I didn't have much room to move away.

Realising what he did Jude pulls away and Nicolas clears his throat making his presence being noticed.

"Now ladies you need to get dressed and all set before the guests arrive. Evelyn I have invited some people and they will be bringing their children along, if I'm not mistaken they go to the same school as you." Jude says and I nod before walking up the sets of stairs to my room.

If you ask my opinion, a four story house is a little to much. I mean I understand that you'd want everything imaginable near you but having everything's under one roof is a bit much.


I was struggling with the zip at the back of my dress and nothing I did seemed to work. Someone knock on the door and I turn around as to make sure that nobody sees that I'm struggling.

"Come in." I says and see the door handle lower as the door opens.

"Sorry I though this was Nick's room." Micheal says after he sees me standing near the window.

"Need some help?" He asks shocking me as he never asked if he could help me.

"Please." I say and Micheal walks closer he walks behind me and zips up the dress and then closing the clip at the top. "Thank you."

"Sure." Micheal says and only when he walks away do I take note of what he's wearing.

Micheal was wearing a dark grey suit with equally grey shoes. His tie was black and his shirt was a light blue. His heair was styled in a upward style, much unlike his normally flat hairstyle.

"Micheal?!" Nicolas calls for him from somewhere in the corridor and Micheal heads out of the room.

When he leaves I put on the heels and also the jewelry. Once again someone knock and Mary sticks her head into the room.

Smiling she enters the room in a gorgeous peach dress and gladiator heels. Her gemstone necklace and earrings added to her beauty.

"When are you telling him?" I ask

"Before the end of the party. Remember today is about you, I don't want to make it about me." Mary says and fixes the fastener of my necklace before we go downstairs for the party.


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