13 - Return Pt 2

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Straddling him between my legs I lean my forehead on his. Ghosting my lips over his, I can feel him tense.

"Oh god, this is going to be torturing, isn't it?" he asks and I smirk before kissing him.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

When I woke up, I found a note beside my bed saying he left. When I went downstairs I found that the others had returned.

I open the fridge and take out the meat I kept out for dinner. Taking the pots from the cupborad I start prepping everything.

"Isn't it to early to start dinner?" Alice asks and sits on top the counter.

"Yeah but I need to marinade the meat and get the kitchen clean before dinner." I say and finish the marinade before continuing to work before Sarah pops up next to me.

"What the hell!?" I shout and drop the lid of the pot. Sarah laughs and sits on the counter top next to Alice copying her down to a T.

I shake my head and continue with the food

🔸♦️ Alice's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I heard Evelyn shout and see her shake her head before continuing with her work.

I turn to Shane and jab him with my elbow. "Hey Shane, why do you think Evy randomly shouts and talks herself?"

"I don't know. Now leave me." he says and continues his book.

I jump off the table and sit in the living room. Switching on the tv I change through the channels and settle on some old movie.

A few minutes into the movie Cap comes downt the stairs and call us to the kitchen.

"Carmella, you and Alice help Evy finish dinner. Carlos, Junior and Shane help my with the inventory." Cap says and we abide by his order.

"So Carmella, what would you do if you were home alone for a few hours with no supervision?" I ask and see Carmella smirk

"Well, if I had a boyfrie-"

"Enough, okay. I understand what you're doing, and it's pissing me off." Evelyn says stabbing the knife into the cutting board and storms out of the kitchen.

She storms though the living room nearly knocking Junior off his feet before slamming the gym door shut.

Silence envelopes the house and Cap comes up from the basement followed by Carlos and Shane.

"What did you do?" Cap asks when he opens the fridge.

"We may or may not have suggested that they had sex while we were away." Carmella says and removes the knife from the cutting board.

"Great. You piss her off a few hours before she returns home." Junior comments and throws Alice with a dried piece of fruit.

"Where'd you get the fruit?" Carlos asks before stealing a piece.

"It was in my pocket." Junior says pulling a full packet out of his other pocket.

"Anyways. Let me just go and see if she's okay." Cap says and I pull him back.

"No, no, I can't risk you going in there. For all we know she could have a gun or something." I say and hide behind him.

"We all have guns." Cap says and removes my arms from his waist. "Besides she's probably using the punching bags."

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