Chapter 2

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My pants are vibrating and my head hurts. I start moving slowly, my body feeling extra heavy like I'm underwater. 

"Answer your phone..." I hear Hongjoong's voice to my right. 

I reach in my back pocket and take out my phone that's vibrating my whole body and making me want to throw up. Throwing it seemed like a better option at the moment. I feel like a piece of shit but answer it anyway.

"Hello, this is Yang Jae-il. I'm calling you regarding the upcoming psychiatry conference that I've emailed you about. I don't want to take up too much time on your day off but I was hoping to speak to you briefly about some things."

I listened still trying to wrap my mind around what was going on.

"Mr. Choi? Are you busy at the moment? Should I call at a later time?" Wow. This guy has too much to say. Okay, time to pretend I'm not completely hungover.

"No no, it's not a bother in the least sir! What did you want to discuss?" I sat up and tried not to throw up. I gotta finish this call quickly. I can hear someone in the bathroom already puking their brains out. Not helping. 

"-and we want to cover topics such as child psychology, in which you have great knowledge in."

Oh shit, I zoned out. What the fuck did he say?! Ok ok....child psychology....I'm a pro....shit. That's all I got.

"Mr. Choi? What do you think? I think you would do a great job and of course, you would be paid for your time." Holy shit! Did he just ask me to speak at this huge conference...?

"Could you explain a bit more in detail sir?" I ask to confirm my thoughts.

"Ah yes, we believe it would be beneficial for you to speak at the conference to offer your insight on the topic of adolescents and giving proper psychiatric care to this age group. You are very young but so knowledgeable on this specific topic that we feel your presentation on this matter will be very educational."

I fell back on my bed and kicked my feet in the air, unable to contain myself. "I'm honored! A whole presentation?" I can't wait to brag to my daughter, to everybody I see! Most importantly though, my daughter.

The man chuckled lowly, finding San's answer to be very cute. "Yes, we would feel honored to listen to you speak and share your knowledge. We are only asking for an hour."

"I will prepare immediately, thank you so much" I responded giddily.

"Please let me know if there are any problems. I will go ahead and email all the details to you as well." 

"Alright. Thank you again!" I said before hanging up.

I ran to tell Soojin, completely forgetting I'm super hungover...I wanna throw up. I was closer to her bathroom so I scrambled in that direction and threw open the door.

"Appa!" she said standing at the sink looking mortified. 

She had cleanser all over her face and was in the process of washing it off. "Appaaaaaaaaaa get out!" she wined. 

I finally got to the toilet, gripping the sides before falling on my knees and emptying out my insides. Something smelled really bad but it didn't smell like vomit. I gagged at the smell, ready to puke again.

"Appaaaaaa! So gross! I pooped in there!" she screamed at me. I immediately removed my hands from the seat and backed away quickly. I washed my hands as fast as I could and got out of there. Speechless.

Soojin, with a now freshly cleaned face, came out and made fun of me. But really how clean can you be when the bathroom smells like shit.

"Choi San, you got what you deserved," she said sticking out her tongue at me. I stood there scoffing at her. She was giggling with a smug look on her face.

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