Chapter 36

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Wooyoung and I sat in economy side by side with a woman on my left holding a small dog that kept sticking its nose in the crotch of my pants.....economy.

There were only 15 minutes left until landing and Wooyoung was asleep on my shoulder.

"Wooyoung-ah," I whispered and my lips brushed up against his ear and then whispered, "Aish!" accidentally, feeling the dog's nose again.

I saw a smile form on his lips.

When we got off the plane, I drove to my house and Wooyoung slept again in the car. Seeing how tired he was, it was better if he just slept at my house tonight, in my bed. Thinking about it, I felt more excited to get home.

Once we made it to my apartment, I left the luggage in the car and carried Wooyoung on my back up to my apartment. My mom must've heard me come in since she was standing there as soon as I closed the door. I didn't have the energy to explain anything so I let her follow me to my room.

Laying Wooyoung down and removing his shoes, I finally turned to my mom.

"San-i who's that in your bed?" my mom went over to him and really looked him over.

Grabbing her hand, I led her out of my room. "Omma Wooyoung is gonna sleep here tonight. He went on the trip with me." I gave little detail, not sure how to confess everything to her yet.

My answer seemed to satisfy her and we exchanged kisses on the cheek before she went back to the guest room.

Walking back into my room, I thought Wooyoung still looked uncomfortable laying there in his suit. I sat on the edge of the bed and took off his socks first. When I started unbuttoning his shirt he laid his hand on top of mine and scared me to death.

"Young-ah?...Young-ah?" I called in a whisper.

I didn't get an answer but he did finish taking off his shirt, tossing it in the corner of my room. His body tempted me but I fought against my wandering mind and put one of my oversized shirts on him. I didn't even attempt to take off his pants. I should let him rest tonight.

I couldn't take anymore temptation.

My doorbell ringing brought me out of my sleep a little bit but I drifted off again easily.......until 3 boys cannonballed into my bed.

It can't be morning already.

"Oh? Hey, Wooyoung's here!" Mingi looked at Hongjoong and they grinned at each other. 

Ah. whatever...I pulled the covers over my head and they were immediately ripped back off. 

"You had a sleepover without us San-i?" Hoongjoong pulled me up and they all looked at me with their lips jutted out.

"YAAAHH....." I whined and Wooyoung sat up blinking beside me. Had he been asleep this whole time?

Mingi squeezed himself in between Wooyoung and I and Hongjoong, followed by Yunho, threw their bodies on top of mine, wrapping their arms around me...and each other. 

My eyes didn't miss their unnecessary touching. 

"We all have the day off since we were planning to wait for you guys at the airport but it's so much more comfortable since you're home!" Mingi's voice got louder with each word, being loud by nature. Loud personality, loud features, and LOUD TALKING.

"SO," he went on, "let's all go out together!!!"

I was fighting to get them off me but it was no use. 

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