Chapter 5

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"Thank you." I bowed again, finishing my presentation. 

Hearing the applause from the crowd gave me such a rush. I was on cloud nine and it showed too. My cheeks hurt from the big smile plastered on my face.

There was somewhere I needed to get to quickly though. 

The buffet.

I caught sight of the buffet table, finally, after shaking many hands and making my way through the masses of people. I also caught sight of him. He was at the buffet eating a muffin and trying not to drop any crumbs. 

Of course, he's here making me feel weird again. I'm so curious about what he would say to me now that he knows I'm not a student. This will be fun.

I walked up beside him and picked up a strawberry from the fruit plate. He looked to see who was beside him and when he saw it was me he turned away and tried to escape. 

A giggle escaped from my mouth.

"Hey!" I called to him. He was still close enough that I didn't have to call too loudly. He turned just his head back to look, not expecting me to talk to him and definitely not expecting me to call after him. I could tell I caught him off guard.

 I finished my strawberry and walked over to where he was. He had fully turned around now and I caught a glimpse of his exposed skin for the second time. I tried to ignore it so I didn't come across as a creep again.

"I wanted to introduce myself officially since I didn't get a chance to at the school. I'm San." I held my hand out for him to shake. 

He looked at it for a minute and then back at me so I extended it further. Taking it, he looked like he wanted to run away instead. I smiled watching his every move.

He finally spoke. "It's nice to meet you officially." 

He was smiling now still holding onto my hand. I let go of his first and grabbed a plate for him and myself so I could finally enjoy the buffet. 

I turned and handed him the plate and saw one of the other speakers approaching us. He grabbed my hand in a firm handshake and patted me on my back.

"You spoke well up there. You have a bright future ahead of you," he complimented. He had a thick British accent that made everything he said sound so professional. We chatted for a minute or two before he made his way over to someone else.

I turned back around to grab my plate and talk to him again. This guy still hadn't introduced himself to me and my curiosity was killing me.

 I saw he filled my plate for me and held back a smile.

Beside me, he was eating a strawberry but right as he bit into it some juice ran down his lower lip. He wiped it away with his sleeve and for some reason, I couldn't look away. I licked my lips. 

Suddenly he spoke, "They won't leave you alone now." He was grinning.

I had picked up my plate of food and was in the middle of devouring it. "Hm? Why do you say that?" I replied in between bites of food.

"Because yours was the best." 

Setting my plate down, I leaned against the table crossing my arms. "My presentation?" I shook my head. "It's my first time giving a presentation like this so how could I have done better than my sunbaes?"

He didn't hesitate and replied "I don't know. But you did,"  before shoving a sushi roll in his mouth. He keeps making me smile.

"Let's go get drinks after this," I offer suddenly wanting to find out more about him.

"I'm down," he replied before he threw a grape up in the air and caught it in his mouth.

I waved for him to throw me one so he lined up his shot and tossed it as accurately as he could. After I caught it perfectly, we made it a game to see who could catch the most before we stopped, getting some weird looks.

We were enjoying the buffet a little too much.

~Wooyoung POV~

After the conference I wait at the front of the building for San since he insisted on driving, wondering what kind of car he'll pull up in. He doesn't look like the type to drive a Kia like me. It was a hand me down from my mom. 

He pulled up in an Infiniti SUV and I could tell just by looking at it that it was newer, definitely not a hand me down. He reached over and opened the passenger side door for me and as soon as I got in we took off. I noticed that he enjoys driving fast, which made me wonder why he drove an SUV instead of a sport's car. 

"So where is it that we're going?" I ask wondering where his typical hangout is.

"Is a club ok? It's a place that I go with my friends sometimes. Plus, they always give me and my friends discounts," he explains in detail.

I nod my head giving the ok to go. I haven't been to a club in a while. The students all keep me pretty busy, not to mention all of the late-night studying I do. A drink is sounding better by the minute.

The parking lot is packed so we have to park in the very back.

Once we get up to the doors, he opens one for me and I walk in, taking in the view around me. 

The dance floor is so huge, packed with a variety of different people and the bar, also huge, takes up a whole wall. Lights flashed around everywhere and reflected off of the shiny marble tiles spread throughout the club. Everything is so modern and different from anything I've ever seen. 

I follow San as closely as I can to the bar, in fear of losing him in the huge crowds of people dancing and inhaling their drinks. I saw a woman in the corner chugging a whole bottle of something while sitting on a guy's lap. They both looked like they didn't have any cares in the world.

 I'm ready to let loose too but I can't be too wild or San would have to play babysitter and take care of me. I've already embarrassed myself enough in front of him to get wasted after officially meeting him.

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