Chapter 16

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"So you want to date a police officer!?" Wooyoung started in on me as soon as we got to his apartment. "San do you have a thing for girls that throw themselves at you?"

"She did not! And who cares if she's a police officer? Am I a criminal? Why does that matter?"

"Policewomen are known for not getting laid! You know why? Because they kick the shit out of criminals all day and they get "violent" and "rough" mixed up. She's gonna tear you to shreds if you go home with her." Where does he get this ridiculous information?

"Who said I was even planning on sleeping with her Wooyoung-ah?"

"When you used my line to quote on quote repay her. Really San? And then she asks for ramyun?! Everybody understood but you!"

His line? Is he saying he used a pickup line on me?

"So let me get this clear. You're saying you used a pickup line on me to get me into your apartment so YOU could quote on quote repay me?"It was ridiculous to even suggest but I wanted to hear his answer.

Running his hand through his hair again, he looked at me silently. 

"You're so stupid San......why would I do that to you?! That's not what I meant." He got up and got some more tea for me in the kitchen and came back, setting it down a little rough.

"I know. So why are you so against me going out on a date with her?" 

" just deserve better." There was something in his eyes that I couldn't read for a moment. So confusing.

In a second he was talking fast again. " For all we know, she could have stolen your wallet in the first place! She just wants to sleep with you San! She had hungry eyes! Come on!" That one made me laugh a little bit, which only made Wooyoung get more fired up.

"So basically you're gonna let her do whatever she wants?!" he stood up and looked at me, completely worn out. 

"I don't think she wants as much as you imply. Besides, it's not like I'm a virgin. I'll be fine Wooyoung," I replied even though I definitely didn't feel ready for anything like that.

He walked over to me and in brisk motion, leaned over, putting his hands on my thighs and looked me in the eyes. "Do what you want Choi San."

All I could do was look at him before my phone vibrated and I knew without looking it had to be her. Wooyoung pulled my phone out of my pocket, stood up, and handed it to me. 

"Thanks" was my response, still completely out of it. 

Yes. This just confirms that I need to spend more time with women. I'm around my gay best friend and all of my clients way too much. I'm just lonely so my body and mind are getting weird at the slightest care or touch of someone else. Yes, that has to be it.

"Are you gonna text her?" Wooyoung was sitting in another seat sipping his tea.

Her text said, "I'll meet you at the E-mart convenience store by the station?" 

I replied, "I'll be there in 10:)" I looked up to see Wooyoung shaking his head at me with a smirk on his face.

"When she takes you to her place for "ramyun" and cripples you, don't come crying to me."

Getting up, I nonchalantly walk over to grab my shoes by his chair before I ruffled his hair, messing with him.

"Yaahh" he laughed and covered his head so I couldn't do it anymore. 

"Don't worry about me ok?" I said before putting on my shoes and leaving to meet Hayun.

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