Chapter 51

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Today I stood in court with my father, the day arriving to fight for what is rightfully mine.

My body shook in fear that I would lose against him, and both my mom and Jongho were holding onto me to support me with Hongjoong sitting behind me, holding onto my chair.

I listened as Nana's mother told the judge a bunch of lies about me and then when my father talked about me having nightmares and not being in the right mind to be a parent. I listened to all of it just wanting it to be over.

My lawyer spoke one last time before it was time for the judge to make his decision. The judge went over everything again and while he did, I looked behind me. Wooyoung sat in the back row looking impatiently at the judge but when he noticed me he mouthed "It's ok", trying to tell me not to worry, that everything would be fine. 

I took a deep breath and turned back around.

The judge looked up, ready to make his decision. "After listening to both sides, I've thought it over carefully and decided that Choi Soojin will receive better care in the hands of her grandfather, Choi Siwon and his family living in the United States. Soojin will leave with him immediately to go back to his current home."

The words rang in my ears and I fell to the floor crying uncontrollably as my mom and Hongjoong cried around me. I couldn't get up, knowing I lost the only thing I worked so hard to keep safe for almost my entire life. I lost her.

My Soojin is going to the US away from me and everything she knows.

I can't see her again...

The judge spoke again, making me look up at him, my eyes blurry with tears. "It's been brought to my attention that Choi San was the cause of Nana's death so he will be taken into custody with life in prison."

Two officers picked me up off the ground and started dragging me away.

I can't even say anybody.

My eyes shot open and I looked around at my bedroom and Soojin laying beside me. The sun was coming up outside my window so I blocked her face with the covers, pulling them up so her sleep wouldn't be interrupted.

Holy fuck I hate dreams.

The trial is today so it makes sense that my dreams would taunt me about it. Although I am nervous, at least I can be sure that I won't be arrested, but if I really do lose Soojin I wouldn't really care if they put me in prison, honestly.

While getting ready, I made sure I did everything I could to look perfect and, I guess, like a competent parent. 

My now dark hair is styled back away from my face with a small amount of product so my hair still looks soft and I'm wearing my best suit. Best as in, most expensive and most professional looking. Knowing my father, he'll probably roll up in Versace or something.

Hongjoong decided it was best if he drove me to court since I'm inside my head so much and since he'll be there for the court hearing anyways. Yunho and Mingi decided to come too, to support me and sit next to Soojin.

I wasn't sure if she should come or not but I felt like it was unfair to her if a decision was made behind her back and she didn't know about what would happen to her. That's just not the kind of parent I wanted to be.

My mom texted me on the way down that she was already at the courthouse with Wooyoung. Wait, why in the world would they be together? Damn it, mom. 

Shoving my phone in my pocket, I grabbed Soojin's hand and we continued down to the car meeting Hongjoong on the way.

"You can live without your grandpa right Soojin-ah?" Hongjoong asked her and she giggled a little bit, not knowing what would come out of his mouth next. He bent down so she could climb on his back and once she was on, stood up again. "After he loses I doubt he'll talk to you again but I might murder him before then just so you know." Both of them giggled but, because of how much my best friend cares for me, I knew murdering my father seemed tempting sometimes.

I'm totally kidding.

Unlike my dream, I sat alone with my lawyer while my father and his lawyer sat on the other side. Nana's family sat directly behind him looking straight ahead the whole time, probably ashamed but hiding it with their hatred of me.

My mom and Wooyoung sat with each other a few rows back and my friends and Soojin sat directly behind me. I'm surrounded by a strong support system, so right now I feel strong like I can win this.

The judge called up Nana's mother to testify for my father and the prosecutor for my father's side began questioning her, asking her several questions pertaining to me caring for Soojin. His final question for her really made me sick, knowing he was prompting her to get upset.

"Choi San and your daughter, Im Jin-ah were together until her death. Would you say that he took care of her well?" 

"Objection your honor!" Jongho stood up, banging his fist on the table, already fed up with them. "That question has nothing to do with this case. They want to defame my client!"

The judge motioned for Jongho to take a seat. "I'd like to hear the answer due to the fact that the care of a mother and daughter tend to go hand in hand." The judge then directed her attention to the prosecutor asking questions. "But let's try to refrain from questions of this nature shall we?" She then gave Nana's mother the go-ahead to answer the question.

She looked at me from the witness stand with a hard stare as she answered the question. "My daughter suffered being with Choi San. He didn't know how to care for her and he is the reason my daughter is dead. She died trying to escape from him."

Hongjoong was muttering profanities behind me while I just sat speechless from what she said. 

How can she actually believe that? 

Wooyoung helped me see things for what they really were so I wasn't blaming myself anymore. It's sad to me that she can't accept how sick Nana was. I know how hard I tried to save her and that's enough.

The trial went on forever with people spitting out horrible things about me left and right. They brought up my nightmares and trauma like I knew they would, then they brought up me drinking and after that, they brought up my sexuality and how it affected Soojin.

Everyone already knew now so it's not like it was a secret.

The judge didn't really care for that argument though, she rolled her eyes and told the prosecutor to grow up, to which we all laughed. He tried to explain how it could make Soojin uncomfortable, especially with her illness and the judge wasn't having any of it. 

Banging down her gravel hard, she got him to shut up and said something really cool.

"Children don't agree with everything their parents do but that DOES NOT make it wrong. A parent sacrifices a lot for their children but when it comes to the personal life of an adult and who they choose to love, a child cannot judge a parent they love and respect. If Choi San is doing things correctly as a father it shouldn't matter what his sexuality is."

My father looked at the judge in disgust and I loved it because he was showing his true colors. 

Jongho called my father up to the witness stand and began questioning him and this would be the last questioning before the judge made her decision.

"Your daughter Yooa has been going to see my client Choi San for therapy purposes since she's been very young, has she not?" He cut right to the chase.

My father kept his smug face as he answered yes.

Jongho went on, "So I can conclude, then, that you had enough faith in San to send your own daughter to be in his care and treat her mental illness?"

He didn't answer until the judge told him he needed to answer the question. 

"Well for all I know he might be making her worse," he said.

Jongho chuckled. "I can assure you that's not the case. I have her diary that she's been filling out for her treatment and it shows her progress and tells in her words how much better she's been feeling." Jongho handed the diary to the judge while I watched my father fuming on the stand. 

We got him.

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