Chapter 26

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The doorbell rang signifying that Yunho and Mingi were here. The ramyun was cooked to perfection and Wooyoung helped Soojin get the table ready.

When I opened the door they were both holding a shit ton of snacks. "When have you guys ever brought your own snacks?" I asked.

They mirrored a confused face back at me. "You seem better. We thought you'd still be in a mood," Mingi said and got nudged by Yunho. 

"We thought your favorite snacks would make you feel a little better," Yunho added.

"Thanks, guys but I'm just fine." I let them in and had them throw the snacks in the living room. "Hungry?" I asked but both of them smelled the ramyun from the kitchen and were running towards it before they even heard my question. 

"Oh hey Wooyoung I didn't know you were here," I heard Yunho say.

Wooyoung waved to him and Yunho introduced him to Mingi. They were all talking before I called everyone to the table to eat.

Everyone started slurping up the ramyun as soon as they sat down. 

Soojin's always been messy when she eats ramen and I saw Wooyoung keep wiping her mouth with a napkin for her and wiping off drops that got on the table. I tried to keep my expression neutral and not pay attention to him too much but seeing him do that made me feel so soft inside.

Soojin got up and went to the bathroom and as soon as she was out of earshot the guys talked freely.

"San-i," Yunho called me to get my attention. "Remember when you were talking about that girl you have a huge crush on?" he paused looking excited while my reaction was anything but excited. He has no idea that I had been talking about Wooyoung and now I have to explain the whole situation to Wooyoung to avoid confusion. 

"OOOOoo I know what you're talking about. She had him going crazy." Mingi added, raising his eyebrows at me. 

"Anyways," Yunho cut back in. "I know a girl that is really cool and I think you'd really like her since the girl you liked is the one that I assume made you so upset these last few days."

I think I just stared at him blankly for a good minute or two. 

In a flash, he was by my chair showing me pictures of this girl. "Look, see she's totally your type! She has a really cute personality too."

Mingi came over so he could check her out too. "Wow. San she's- damn. You have to admit she's super--just, wow." Mingi was looking at the phone intensely. 

"Why don't you go out with her Mingi? You're so in love you can't even make out a complete sentence about her." Hongjoong mimicked him and we all giggled. 

"He's either in love or just aroused but I'm betting more on the second one," Yunho added snickering.

"I can see you now, "Wow. You look- damn...nice to meet you--Damn." We all laughed as Mingi rolled his eyes at me.

Wooyoung was leaning over in his chair to see the pictures of the girl. Judging from his expression, he wasn't impressed. Maybe just annoyed.

"She's all yours Mingi." I pushed in my chair and started cleaning up the kitchen.

"San! Oooo come look at this picture, she's doing gymnastics! Think about what kind of moves she has!" Mingi yelled across the kitchen right as I heard the toilet flush. 

I ran and jumped on his back and smacked him over the head a few times. Soojin didn't need to hear shit like that.

"Yah!---Yahhhh--I was too loud--Ahh-Ow! I didn't mean to!!" Mingi started running around trying to get me off his back. By the time he got me off, we were both laughing really hard.

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