Chapter 42

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"AHHHH! My head huuuurts!" I yelled out my pain.

"As it should, you asshole." I heard my best friend's voice from below me. Hongi's still here? I looked below me, avoiding too much movement, and there on the floor beside the couch, he laid with a pillow and blanket.

Why were we out here and not in my perfectly good bed? I tried to remember but my last memory was flipping bottles around and pouring drinks for other drunk people.

My eyes caught movement by my room. Was I still drunk? 

A ghost came out of my room moaning quietly and made its way towards us and I soon realized it was just Wooyoung with a blanket over his head, groaning in pain, feeling shitty too.

"What time is it? I'm not taking the blanket off." Wooyoung sounded rough as he plopped down on the floor next to Hongjoong.

I squinted my eyes at the clock and noticed I only had about 20 minutes to get Soojin on the bus. FUCK, Wooyoung was about to be late for work!

Jumping up, I fell over again. 

I paced myself before making my second attempt and held onto the couch for stability. I grabbed the blanket off of Wooyoung's head and pulled him to the bathroom.

"Saaaaaaan fuuuuck don't do this to meeeeee," he sounded pathetic.

"Woo get in the shower! You have 20 minutes until you have to be at school!" 

After my words registered, he started stripping his clothes off quickly. I left as he was tugging down his pants and threw a change of clothes in the bathroom for him since he didn't have time to go home and change.

Next, I struggled to Soojin's room to wake her up but she was sitting at her mirror all ready and putting on lip gloss. 

"You're so beautiful Soojin-ah," I sat on her bed and watched her in the mirror.

"Appa I'm your daughter...duh," she came over with a necklace and had me hook it together in the back for her. "Want some breakfast real quick? I'll put some soup on for you."

She didn't wait for an answer and started preparing soup for me in the kitchen. I made my way out of her room slowly.

"Soojin-ah you're my hero." 

She giggled at my words and kissed me on the cheek, leaving a glittery mark, before grabbing Hongi by the hand and leading him downstairs to the bus. I totally owe him.

Wooyoung came out of the bathroom fully dressed for work with his hair messily styled, looking hot. He walked towards me while trying to tie his tye at the same time. I pulled his hands away, tying it for him myself and then, taking advantage of our closeness, left a kiss on his lips.

"Oppa I'm so hungover..." Wooyoung leaned against the island in the kitchen and tilted his head back with closed eyes. 

"Oppa? Are you calling me oppa now?" It sounded perfect coming from his mouth. "Can you say it again?"

Wooyoung tilted his head back in its rightful position, looking at me again and seeing how happy it made me, said it again slowly. "O-P-P-A, come hold me one more time before I go."

I didn't need to be asked twice. I put my hands on his waist and slid them into the back pockets of the pants he was wearing, tucking my face into his neck. When he had to leave I clung to him as he walked to the door, feeling too comfortable to let go.

"Oppa come have lunch with me at work?"

I smiled and let him ruffle my hair before walking him to the elevator and smacking his butt as he walked inside.

We waved goodbye to each other before I turned to go back inside. My mother stood there looking at me blankly before telling me, "Your soup's ready" and walking back through my apartment door.

Oh no...

I sat down at the kitchen table where my mom had put the soup and some side dishes for me. She sat across from me, eating a waffle silently.


She looked up, hearing me call her and just kind of sat there with nothing to say.

"Did you see?"

My mom just nodded her head and took a drink of water.

"What exactly? What did you see?" I knew I had to tell her now but didn't want to bring up anything I didn't have to.

"Uh, just some hugging and...butt feeling?" 

I held my hands up, deciding that hearing what just went on between Wooyoung and I coming from my mother's mouth made me SUPER uncomfortable. Butt feeling? No thanks. I heard enough.

It's time to explain myself. "The only man I like is Wooyoung, omma...he's the only one."

My mom stared at her waffle intensely, thinking.

"He's really good for me omma--and Soojin is like best friends with him-" My mom held up her hand at me this time.

"San... San, you're a father with a daughter about to enter high school. She is already having trouble mentally. You think what she needs is to find out her father is not only attracted to and dating a man but her therapist at school? And the other kids, how do you think they'll treat Soojin when they find out? None of this makes sense." 

"Omma I'll go about it carefully-" I began to defend but was quickly cut off again.

"Not only will Soojin be affected, your work San, your work. You might ruin what you've worked so hard for. What about Wooyoung? He could get fired." She let out a breath and brought a hand up to massage her temples. "What were you thinking?"

"Omma..." I had no idea how to answer. I knew there were a lot of obstacles that I would have to face but it really sounded overwhelming to hear everything one after the other, especially while hungover. 

My mom got up from the table right as Hongjoong came in the door. "Think hard about the consequences San," she said before shutting herself away in the guest room.

"What was that about?" Hongjoong sat down and began finishing her uneaten waffle.

"You're my best friend Hongjoong....and I really wanted to tell you sooner but it's just so much to take in and try to understand by myself. My omma found out so I should tell you." 

Hongjoong grabbed the front of my shirt. "You're right, you should've told me sooner. I understand but I hate not knowing things about you, I seriously hate it."

I laughed at him, pushing his face playfully. My best friend deserved to know the truth but it seemed like he already had an idea of what I was referencing. Maybe Wooyoung and I haven't been the best at hiding...Did he catch something too?

"I'm dating Wooyoung...I really like him." With all honesty, I confessed my gay feelings to my best friend.

"How could you have waited this long to tell me?!" Hongjoong stood up and put me in a headlock. "I thought you just liked to give your friends mouth to mouth in the hallway!" he said, voice full of sarcasm.

I looked at him confused.

"When I gave Wooyoung his phone that night, you guys were about to swallow each other whole in the hallway. I've had a lot of time to accept your gayness San-i."

I shoved him away, laughing before I pulled him back and hugged him tightly.

"You could've given me mouth to mouth at least once! I thought we were best friends!" Hongjoong joked and I pushed him away again. We laughed and I told him all of the things I'd been waiting to tell him that I couldn't share with anyone else.

Hongjoong, after talking about my stuff for a long time, filled me in on everything I couldn't remember about last night, including a kid named Bae Jinyoung.

Wow, I bet school is crazy right now...

I guess I'll see it for myself at lunchtime.

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