Chapter 4

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I grabbed my laptop and packed it before putting on my jacket and touching up my hair one last time. 

In the midst of preparing, I had gone over points that I needed to make in my presentation all morning in the mirror. I also wore a suit to look more sophisticated and maybe make up for my age but left some buttons open so I didn't feel constricted when giving my presentation. 

The doorbell rang signifying that Yunho was here to pick up Soojin.

 I opened the door, greeting him and called for Soojin, who was still getting ready. She doesn't need to try that hard. She's my daughter after all. 

"Soojin-ah-" I cried in a pouty voice and stuck my bottom lip out. "Come back soon ok? What will appa do without you?" 

Answering almost immediately, she bluntly said "probably drink," with a smirk on her face. 

Yunho giggled and nudged me in the side, enjoying me being made fun of by a 12-year-old. She knows too much. I only drink with that so bad?!

I help her take her stuff to the car, carrying my stuff as well since I also have to leave for the conference. I pack her bags in the trunk of the car and follow her to the passenger side. 

After she hops inside I buckle her seatbelt for her. It's only a few days but I'd rather have her here with me. I wrap one arm around her and pull her towards my chest squeezing her tightly. I could tell she didn't want to be away from me either. 

We stayed like that for a few minutes before the time ran out and we both had to go. I waved as they drove away before getting in my own car.

It only took me 15 minutes to get to the hall where the conference is being held. I looked in my rearview mirror, smiling confidently. I could see a lot of people were going inside. 

This conference is for psychologists of all types to further their education so I'm positive my college professors will be here too. 

Jae-il sees me as soon as I walk in and extends his hand for me to shake. I give a slight bow taking his hand. 

"The rough draft of your presentation was so impressive Mr. Choi. I'm definitely looking forward to the real thing" he says to me looking pleased.

"I won't disappoint you, sir," I reply confidently. 

I exchange conversation with some other senior psychologists present, including some of my professors before we all take our seats. The speakers were assigned seats at the very front of the auditorium. 

The first thing I noticed when I walked into the auditorium was the large buffet table with so many tasty foods. The auditorium itself was enormous! I saw the podium set up on stage and imagined myself behind it. I won't have to imagine too much longer! I took my seat at the front with the other speakers and after everyone else was seated, the conference began. 

The first speaker hit a lot of great points and I felt like I was learning a lot. I was so engrossed in what they were saying so time was going by quickly. Before I knew it, the second speaker was finishing up. 

I had already emailed my PowerPoint to the technical crew so all I needed to do was walk myself up there with my clicker to move through the slides. Fancy right? 

I walked up to the stage and straightened my jacket before introducing myself.

"How is everyone doing?" I laugh letting my dimples show. "I'd like to introduce myself to those of you who may not know me but because I talk a lot, I know there aren't many of you who haven't met me." I joke in all honesty. 

The crowd laughs softly. 

"My name is Choi San and I specialize in clinical psychology, as well as movement therapy for children and adults. I want to share some ideas with you regarding adolescents and effectiveness when treating them. Let's jump right in shall we?"

I click to my first slide and began discussing the first topic. My eyes scroll through the crowd as I try to connect with them until they land on a familiar face. His intense eyes stared back at me. It suprised me so much I almost choked on my next word. Almost. 

He had some product in his hair to smooth it back but let a few pieces of hair fall by his eyes. It looked good on him. He had on fitted black dress pants and a satin black button-up. But it wasn't buttoned up all the way. Three buttons were undone at the top letting his fair skin peek out. He had a plaid jacket on over it. 

I made myself look away and continued with my presentation.

~Wooyoung POV~

He's definitely not a embarrassing. Choi San, his name is very cool. A name for an attractive face. I was in a daze, rethinking our first interaction when I almost fell on him....and then called him a child. I couldn't tell what his expression was at the time but he must've been so annoyed with me. It's probably best if I avoid him so I don't make things awkward, yeah I'll do that.

I snapped out of my daze and saw HE WAS STARING AT ME. Yep. He's totally pissed. He hid it well though. 

He maneuvered from one topic to the next but everything flowed so smoothly and he made it so relatable and easy to understand. He's so great at speaking and has so much knowledge for being only one year older than me. What has he been doing that I haven't? 

It felt like he stared at me for a long time but I'm sure it was only a minute or two. His eyes were the type that you couldn't look away from even if you wanted to. Like two deep holes that you fell into and couldn't seem to crawl back out of. Thrilling.

I want to talk to him and pick his brain a little bit. I bet I could learn so much from him. 

Too bad I have to avoid him. 

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