Chapter 25

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They were delicious.

We all devoured the pancakes quickly and ended up in front of the tv watching the music shows that were on. We were lined up on the floor laying on our stomachs watching all of the newer artists. It was at Soojin's request to watch. She seemed to be in her previous mood again after we finished breakfast.

BTS came on and showcased their new song ON and we all sat up, eyes glued to the screen. It was such a bop and put me in a dancing mood. Out of the corner of my eye, because my eyes never left the screen, on one side, I saw Soojin trying to copy the moves and on the other side, I saw Wooyoung moving to the beat. 

"Wanna do some therapy?" I asked Soojin as soon as the song ended. She nodded her head quickly and we sprung up. I turned off the tv and picked up the remote for the stereo in the living room. Turning the volume up loud, I connected my phone and played the same song. 

Soojin and I have days when we like to turn up the music really loud and dance until we get tired. We call it therapy.

Wooyoung was suprised, to say the least. He had no idea what was going on but he caught on quickly. I was already dancing around the kitchen with Soojin, sliding across the wooden floor and she was doing the moves that she remembered. Wooyoung didn't take long to join in. He danced over to Soojin and they tried to outdo each other. The beat was addicting so we were all dancing our hearts out with BTS on repeat.

I think we had our dance party for about an hour and a half before we all ended up back in the living room draped on the couch. After turning the music off, I got some ice cream out and turned on a movie. We passed the ice cream tub around as we lazily lounged on the couch dipping our spoons in. Soojin laid against me and I was laid against Wooyoung. 

Being pressed up against him was making my insides feel all warm and fluttery. I ended up in this position after Soojin asked to lay against me but I didn't have anything to lean on, being in the middle if she laid on me. Wooyoung sneakily offered to "be my support". He might be a genius.

In the movie, the two leads were getting pretty intense. The guy had his hands around the girl's waist in a back hug and was whispering in her ear, telling her not to leave, wanting her to spend the night. The typical kdrama but I couldn't even focus because Wooyoung had started playing with my hair and moved his hands down to start tracing his fingers along my neck. I had no idea until now that my neck was so sensitive.

I looked down and Soojin had fallen asleep but that didn't mean I felt comfortable getting touchy-feely with Wooyoung while she was present and literally right there.

"Wooyoung-ah," I meant to say his name in a voice that told him to calm down but it came out breathy from the hormones I was experiencing. I could tell that it amped him up a little more because I felt something move beneath me. There's no mistaking what that was. 

I had no idea how to handle this right now. Sitting up slowly, I was sure not to wake up Soojin as I laid her on the couch and covered her up. 

Grabbing Wooyoung's wrist, I led him to the kitchen and leaned against the counter looking at him. I made sure not to look anywhere near his bottom region in case what I felt just now was still present. "I-I can' like that with you when Soojin-ah is around," I whispered just in case.

Wooyoung smiled and looked down, "I'm sorry, I know, I just....," Wooyoung stepped closer to me to make sure I was the only one hearing him.  "-you're so tempting to me." My breath caught in my throat and unable to stop myself, I checked him out. He was leaned up against the island in my kitchen across from me. He ran a hand through his hair and it fell back in place perfectly. His eyes were usually full of innocense but right now they were shining with something else. My eyes wandered down to his lips and I saw him lick his lips, reminding me how good they tasted. Eventually, my eyes went curiously down the whole of Wooyoung's body and my imagination went wild. Now I was the one licking my lips.

"Are you liking what you see Choi San?" Wooyoung grabs my shirt gently and reels me in so that I'm now pressing up against him. "You don't have to just look." He grabbed my hand and slid it around his waist.

I heard my front door unlock suddenly and knowing only Hongjoong has the code, I removed myself from Wooyoung not ready to explain things to my best friend yet. I at least wanted to have everything figured out in my own head first.

"Hongjoong?" Wooyoung asked, figuring out the situation quickly. 

Hongjoong walked around the corner quietly into the kitchen, noticing Soojin was asleep

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Hongjoong walked around the corner quietly into the kitchen, noticing Soojin was asleep. "Hey San-i-" he pauses. "Wooyoung? You guys are cool now? I'm glad I don't have to watch San stare sadly at his phone anymore." Hongjoong says it nonchalantly.

"Hyung that mouth of yours is an issue." I grab some juice from the fridge and pour three glasses. Hopefully, that will keep his mouth busy. I slid a glass to Wooyoung, who was now sitting at the island.

"Yeah we're good now," Wooyoung answered his question simply. 

Over Wooyoung's shoulder, I saw Soojin get up so I started getting stuff out to make lunch. I figured she'd be hungry again by now. I planned on making ramen since that always sounded good to her and I knew now that Hongi was here, he would eat some too.

"I invited Yunho over and I think he invited Mingi so make sure you make enough." Hongjoong smiled sweetly at me.

"Yes sir," I responded sarcastically making Wooyoung chuckle subtlely.

"UNCLE HONGJOONG!" Soojin hops on his back and he catches her effortlessly, used to it by now.

"Soojin-ah he has to help me make food. Mingi and Yunho are coming too." Soojin and I exchange knowing looks.

"You better make a lot then," Soojin says what we're both thinking, making the three of us laugh.

"I'll help you." Wooyoung gets up and grabs the knife to start cutting up the green onions and garlic that I laid out.

Hongjoong rushes over, quickly putting Soojin down to reclaim his place as my helper. Making ramen together must be a sensitive thing for him. Hongjoong gently took the knife away as soon as he was about to start cutting and not so gently pushed him out of the kitchen. "I've got it covered Wooyoung-ah." He smiled but his eyes were sending a warning to Wooyoung.

"Yeah sure, I'll stay out of your way." Wooyoung found it funny, snickering as he sat back down.

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