Chapter 7

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~Wooyoung POV~

He was asleep. 

I parked the car and looked over at him, expecting to see him sitting up but his window was still down and his head was dangling out of it. What a sight.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him to get him back inside the car so I could roll up the window but pulled too hard. His body lurched towards me and his head landed on my chest, making me feel a bit of deja vu. Except it was him that fell into me this time. 

I got the window up and turned off the car wondering how I can, one, get him out of the car, two, find his apartment, and three, get him inside his apartment. 

Oh right. He has a wife and kid so if I can find his apartment, his wife will handle the rest. The thought made me feel guilty though. What if he got in trouble? I shake my head. "Wooyoung it's not your business. You're doing your best. Fighting!"  I tell myself before going over to the passenger side.

I open the door and try to support his body and lift him out. Positioning his arms so they are around my neck, I pull him onto my back. It takes a minute to get balanced because he's not holding on by himself but I eventually got it. His head was on my shoulder and I could feel him breathing on my neck. I forgot how to breathe for a minute and it wasn't because of the strong alcohol smell coming from his body.

I got him into the elevator and kind of set him up on one of the support bars to help myself a little. Now to find out which floor...

Someone else gets on the elevator and chooses a floor before looking back and asking me what floor I was going to. I get a thought. Maybe he knows where San's apartment is!

"Do you know what floor Choi San lives on by chance?" I ask him hopefully. He just shakes his head no. It was worth a shot. 

I decide to go to the front desk and ask when we get back down to the first floor. Although, I doubt they'll give out personal information. 

When I get to the front desk, they notice San is on my back and tell me they need confirmation from him. 

........I wouldn't be at the front desk if I were able to get the information from him. So how am I supposed to get confirmation?!

"Bathroom" I hear San mumble suddenly.

I take the opportunity while he's awake, "We have to get to your apartment first. What is your apartment number San?"

He gets out his phone and pulls up his notes app and hands it to me. I don't bother saying anything else to the staff now that I have the information I need. 

I look at the notes and see he is on the 4th floor, apartment number 409. 

Once I get to the door of his apartment I lean him up against a wall. It looks like it's one of those keypads where you slide your finger to open the door so I grab his hand and try each finger until one works. As soon as the door opened, I paused.

Maybe I should have rung the doorbell so his wife doesn't get scared or something. I ring the doorbell and wait for a second but it doesn't seem like anyone is home.

San is using me as support, having woken up a little bit, as we walk inside. He's blinking his eyes tiredly and his lips are pulled into a pouty face from the lights being so bright. So adorable.

I helped him to the bathroom and waited until he was done. I didn't want to just leave him. I should at least make sure he's in bed first. 

I walked around and looked at his apartment while I waited. 

The view from his apartment was amazing. You could see everything! The city lights were shining so brightly and cast a glow into his living room.

 I saw pictures of him and his daughter in there. She and  San looked exactly the same. She had deep dimples like him and the same smile. Their eyes had the same intensity too. 

Hey! She's one of my students...I knew she looked familiar. She'll laugh when I tell her about mistaking San as a high schooler. Who knew my favorite student was his daughter? 

I caught myself smiling while looking at a picture of them laughing together. They must be very close. 

I didn't see any pictures of a woman though. I saw pictures with his friends and some with his family. 

I never imagined someone like him would be a single parent. 

He stumbles out of the bathroom and his pants weren't zipped up all the way. All I can do is laugh at this point. I go over to help him walk to his room since he's unable to walk without swaying.

His room also has quite a view. He must've spent a fortune on this apartment. 

I took off his shoes and started to put him in his bed but his clothes smelled so bad. I thought about changing his clothes but he would still smell because the alcohol was all over his body too. I went ahead and just laid a blanket down underneath him so he can just wash it afterward with his clothes.

I decided to stay for a little longer in case he gets up in the middle of the night and gets himself in trouble somehow.

I sit down on his couch and laugh, thinking about tonight. I've never taken care of somebody so much before. 

But strangely, I wouldn't mind doing it again.

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