Chapter 39

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"San, you're late."

I shoved my hands in my pocket and listened to the first words my father spoke to me after all of these years had passed by. 

He walked past me in the direction of the car so I followed him and Hongjoong trailed along behind me. His security walked around us and packed his belongings in the car. They got inside a car behind us to follow behind. I guess my father would be riding in my car?

Even though I was meeting him at the airport, I never imagined he'd want to suffer through hours in the car with me.

Hongjoong got in the back and I took the driver's seat once again.

"There was a car accident so it took a bit longer. I hope you weren't too uncomfortable." I looked over at my dad waiting for his answer.

Staring straight ahead, he responded, "You haven't gotten over that yet huh?" To me, his voice sounded cold and uninterested. My trauma was the cause of him waiting longer, that's all.

Looking over at me, he motioned to the road ahead. "Let's get going."

I saw Hongjoong in the mirror eyeing him hatefully. If my father were any other person, he would've thrown him out of the car by now. I gave a small smile in the mirror to reassure him that I was fine.

I've developed talent, gradually as I've grown up, for taking control of myself and my emotions, being around my father and men similar to him.

My father was pretty talkative the whole way back to his place in Gangnam. He had his own separate place from my mom now that she only went to when he returned to Korea. Our old house, he explained, had too many nosy people in his business.

He was asking Hongjoong about his life now...I don't know why he would since he would only be full of negative responses.

"Still enjoying men?" The conversation had been semi-okay until he blurted that out. Hongjoong held onto the back of my seat to pull himself forward and leaned closer to my father.

"You're real question is "Do I still want to bang your son" right? You'll be happy to know the answer is no."

I swallowed hard and continued to drive, hoping hell wouldn't break out in the car.

"Women have more to offe-"

Hongjoong cut in before he finished giving his stupid advice. "Oh sir, don't get me wrong, only men can satisfy me. I just gave up on San."

Choi Siwon chuckled and decided not to answer. Probably wasn't worth his time. 

The gates to his home opened and I drove in while he asked me questions about Soojin. He hadn't asked about me at all. Maybe a little about my job, but nothing too personal.

I'd never once been to his house so when he invited us inside I was shocked. The inside of his house showed off his richness but it reflected his cold personality as well.

He motioned for me to take a seat on the couch and told Hongjoong to take a look around the house, basically just telling him to run along, wanting to speak with me alone I guess

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He motioned for me to take a seat on the couch and told Hongjoong to take a look around the house, basically just telling him to run along, wanting to speak with me alone I guess.

"So San, it looks like you've pulled yourself together well. I don't have to worry about you tarnishing my image anymore."

Always such a sweet talker.

"Why do I need to sit here and listen to you belittle me?"

He sat and spread his arms over the back of the couch. "Did you feel belittled? No, point was, you aren't so pathetic anymore. I mean, with the pregnancy bullshit, letting a woman beat you around, and constant irresponsibility with your family. You've come quite a ways." 

He pushed himself off the couch and went to get a drink off of the rack, pouring himself a glass of quality wine.

My father had no filter and didn't even notice how insincere and cruel he came across. I'm not sure how he turned into that kind of person.

"Some things were difficult, even hell, but I had a lot of encouraging people around to help me through it. However, I disagree about being irresponsible with my family. You don't have the right to say that." I felt strong after everything I'd been through so dealing with him now wasn't as draining as it used to be. I didn't feel intimidated anymore.

"A man should deal with his mistakes properly." He made his way back over and sat down again. "You let the mother of your child die San. Do you call that being responsible?"

"Abandoning your family is being responsible then?" I threw back at him and almost rolled my eyes at his attempt to make it look like I was the one in the wrong. He's the one not taking responsibility but too self-centered to ever admit it.

"Are you a victim San? Are you saying if I had been around more you wouldn't have been a horny teenager, wouldn't have chosen a mentally unstable girl to mother your child, or you wouldn't have had a disgusting best friend? All the flaws in your life are my fault?"

Hongjoong had come down the stairs at that moment. I could see the hurt that he tried to cover up from my father's words. Of course, he knew my father didn't agree with him being gay but his words were evil.

"How dare you judge my life when you had no part in it. We'll never know how it could have been if you had actually stayed around to be a father, had played your part. You're allowed to have your own beliefs but you better watch what comes out of your mouth." I stared at him coldly.

Hongjoong went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water, giving me a thumbs up and flipping my father off behind his back. 

I got a call from Soojin and took it right away, glad for the interruption. Her and my mom went out together and they sounded like they were enjoying themselves, unlike me.

When I hung up, I sent a quick text to Wooyoung, missing him and hoping I might be able to see him tonight. 

My father was watching me closely and looked like he had something else to talk to me about so I shoved my phone back in my pocket.

The door to his apartment suddenly opened and I heard a girl's voice yell, "Are you here?" As far as I knew he wasn't expecting anyone else. Does he have an assistant maybe?

I stood up, getting a look at the girl's face that I knew well. What would she be doing here? This doesn't make any sense at all.


The young client that I've been close with for years stood in the kitchen and stared back at me with big eyes saying nothing. She was holding the diary that I'd given her for therapy.

"Oppa? You came." 

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