Chapter 30

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We sat up into a proper position before the door opened revealing Yang Jae-il followed by his fiancé. Well, this trip officially blows.

"San! I'm so glad you guys could make it!" Jae-il said.

I stood and we met in a half hug, while I saw behind him Hayun looked quite nervous, looking back and forth between Wooyoung and me. 

After he and Wooyoung introduced each other, he grabbed Hayun's hand pulling her forward, since she had been awkwardly standing in the corner. 

"This is my soon to be wife, Hayun." 

Wooyoung couldn't hide the surprise on his face. I guess he didn't notice her until now. I never got to tell him what happened that day so he knew absolutely nothing.

"It's so great to meet you Wooyoung," she shook his hand. I watched his expression closely, wondering what his reaction would be.

"You look so familiar Hayun--doesn't she look familiar San?" My Wooyoung-ie is such a smart-ass.

I held back a smirk as I tried to look confused.

Wooyoung snapped his fingers like he suddenly had the answer. "You're a police officer, right? That must be it!"

Hayun visibly let out the breath she had been holding in. She looked pathetic as she just simply nodded. 

They both took their leave soon after that into their own room but planned to come back so we could eat and have drinks later. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and sat down next to me on the sofa now that they were gone. I made sure to fill him in on everything to make sure he didn't have any wrong assumptions. From the beginning to the end.

"--I got out of there as soon as I found out they were together," I finished.

Wooyoung played with my hair as he answered me. "I had no doubts about that. I know who you are. You aren't like that bitch." We both laughed at that.

"You made her so nervous," I said resulting in more laughter. 

"I'm for sure now that she's the one that pickpocketed you," Wooyoung said seriously. "She even called your name as she fucked her own man. Maybe she'd been watching you and had it all planned out-"

I grabbed Wooyoung and put my hand over his mouth, "You have a dangerous imagination." I felt Wooyoung smile underneath my palm before he grabbed and held my hand up to his mouth and licked up one of my fingers. 

"You have no idea how dangerous my imagination is," Wooyoung smirked before pulling me up and leading me to the table where some alcohol sat. I would've let him take me anywhere after that. He poured us each a glass and we did cheers before knocking them back.

"Why?" I questioned, wondering why we were suddenly drinking. 

Wooyoung answered as he refilled our glasses. "We're both gonna need something other than will power to withstand being anywhere near that insect of a woman." He handed me my glass and agreeing with him I drank up quickly.

He stopped after two but I kept going.

Wooyoung pulled me over to watch tv as I held a newly poured shot. I leaned my head on his shoulder and felt myself drifting off. He moved my head onto his lap before he began playing with my hair.

I sat back up and drank the shot I poured and fell back into his lap. I heard myself mumbling something but I was almost completely blacked out so nothing resonated with me.  

A drop of alcohol escaped my lips and rolled down my chin. I barely noticed it though.

Behind my closed eyelids I saw her again. 

Nana was standing in the kitchen gripping onto a knife with white knuckles, the edge of the knife already sliced into one of her wrists and ready to slice the other one. I saw myself run over in an effort to protect the person I loved. 

In desperation, I wrapped my hands around the blade to keep her from further hurting herself and felt the stinging of the knife cutting into my palms and the warm streams of blood running down my arms as I wrestled it away from her. 

The floor was littered in drops of blood from her wrist and my hands. The sleeves of my white shirt were also stained with red. 

She screamed at me now. "WHY?" over and over and over again. With blood still streaming from the cuts in my hand, I grabbed her and a blanket off the back of the couch, ripping it apart so I could wrap it around her bleeding wrist. 

She just stood limp while I tried to stop the bleeding before her words sliced through the silence. "You piece of trash. You don't need me but you keep me here so you don't have to take care of Soojin all by yourself." Her voice rose with each word and her eyes were stone when I looked into them. "You're irresponsible...SELFISH...YOU'RE A FAILURE SAN! AS A FATHER, AS A MAN, AND AS A SON......" Her voice became a whisper, "-a disappointment," and she dropped her gaze to my bleeding hands before she tugged her arm away and pushed me back.

Frustrated and hopeless, tears roll down my cheeks, my hands stinging and wet with fresh blood. On the ground lay the bloody torn up blanket and I realized it was a blanket that my mom had made herself and given to me as a present.

I wiped the tears away, forgetting about the blood on my hands, trying to be strong. 

Running my hands under the water at the kitchen sink I could see clearly each slice on my hand. They were pretty deep but not enough for stitches so I bandaged them up and put on an oversized shirt with long sleeves to hide from Soojin. Luckily I had dropped her off at Hongjoongs before I came home since our home is frequently a place of disaster. 

The scene changed to later that night.

Now I was in bed with Nana laying next to me, both of us clean of blood. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep before I had a dream that I was drowning and I couldn't catch my breath. The lack of oxygen caused pressure in my head and made my head pound. 

It wasn't a dream.

I opened my eyes and she loomed above me pressing on my throat with all of the strength she had. Grabbing her arms, I threw them away from me and caught my breath. Then I felt a punch and tasted blood. My lip was split. Still trying to catch my breath, I let her beat me until she wore herself out.

Someday things would be better...right?

The same pictures played repeatedly in my head in the midst of my blackout and then when I passed out until eventually, Wooyoung shook me awake.

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