Chapter 2. Night Furies.

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Author's Note: I'm not all too happy about this chapter but I think it's okay. If you don't like it, the next will be better.

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup took a deep breath as he cheeked another place at Raven Point. He opened his journal and set another cross on the map he made.

He sighs as he closed the book and placed it in his pocket inside of his fur vest, "Oh, the gods hate me." He spoke as he walked.

"Some people lose their knife or their mug. Not me. I manage to lose an entire dragon." He hit a branch, only for it to come back and hit him in the face, hard.

"Ow!" He held his hand over his eye, when he removed it again, he noticed the branch were from a broken tree. He followed to where it fell and saw the ground split up as things had violently hit it and slid through it. Multiple other trees were also destroyed in that direction.

He silently followed the path of destroyed trees, when he looked over the hill, he saw a black dragon curled up in the rope he caught it in.

He gasped as soon as he saw it and hid behind the dirt again.

He carefully looked at it again, seeing it didn't move he sighed and fumbled with getting his knife out of his vest.
He held it in both hands and slowly moved forward.

He hid behind a boulder close to the dragon, he slowly moved around it and towards the dragon.

"Oh, wow. I did it." He moved closer to the beast, "Ohh, I did it. This... This fixes everything! Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast!" When Hiccup placed his foot on the Night Fury, it groaned and pushed his foot away the best he could, making the Viking fall back.

Hiccup gasped in fear of the Night Fury in front of him. The green eyed dragon in front of him weren't anywhere afraid of the human in front of him. But he was worried about somebody else.

The dragon let out a guttural, low growl in worry of the human he held close. He looked at the human, pleading him not to hurt her.

"I'm going to kill you, dragon. Then I'll cut out your heart and take it to my father." Hiccup held the knife above his head, "I'm a Viking. I'm a Viking!"

The dragon groaned, thinking it was too late for his sister to show up, but little did he know, she were already there.

Before Hiccup could cut the dragon, something big and black tackled him to the ground.

It backed away and used its claws to cut the ropes off the Night Fury.
Hiccup's eyes widened, two Night Furies. He's dead.

He gulped and held his knife in front of him. The dragons didn't pay him any attention the male unfolded his wings, showing the blue eyed female the girl he held.

Hiccup gasped when he saw a girl in the Night Fury's grasp. The blue eyed one placed some berries in front of the girl while the green eyed one nudged her, trying to get a response from her.

It wasn't until Hiccup moved he gained the attention of the dragons. They both quickly moved their heads to the boy, growling at him. The female threateningly walked towards the boy while the other kept a close eye on the girl in his grasp.

To Hiccup's luck, the girl in the dragon's paws groaned and the female dragon forgot everything about him.

While the dragons were busy with the girl, Hiccup moved slightly, able to really get a look on the girl, his eyes shone.

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