Special Chapter~ "Happy Snoggletog, Y/n."

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Author's Note: Merry Christmas!

Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen.

The high pitched sound of a Night Fury flew over Berk.

The one upside, is our annual holiday.

Y/n smiled as she flew towards the Haddock residence, seeing Toothless on the roof, smiling as he jumped on it.

Snoggletog. Why they chose such a stupid name remains a mystery to everybody.

Y/n landed on the ground, getting off of Shadow before she joined Toothless in waking Hiccup up.

But with the war long over and peace between Vikings and dragons,

Y/n leaned against the wall of the house, waiting for Y/n to make his exit.

This year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember.

Y/n's smiled grew when she saw Hiccup coming out of the house with his helmet on his head, rubbing his arm to heat a little up in the cold.

"Cold?" She asked and pushed herself off the wall. Hiccup smiled, "Yeah, a little, but it's okay."

Y/n nodded and looked up along with Hiccup, "Oh, good morning Mister Bossy." Hiccup commented when he saw Toothless looking down at him, letting out a laughing-like-roar, in which Hiccup copied.

While Toothless and Shadow made their way down the roof, Y/n walked with Hiccup behind it, "Why do you always have to wake me up so early to go flyiii-!" Hiccup cut himself off when his prosthetic leg slipped on the ice.

"Watch it!" Y/n called to the boy, grabbing onto his wrist before he could fall over, "Be careful." She told him, pulling him up while Toothless growled with worry.

"I'm fine bud. Thanks, Y/n." He thanked the girl with a soft smile, "Of course." She responded, letting go of his wrist.

"Sooo, up for some flying?" She asked. Shadow nudged her hand. Telling the girl she were ready for some fun.

"Yeah." Toothless made his way to the brunette, nudging him, "Y-Yeah. We can go flying now."

In all the excitement, Toothless happily belched up in Hiccup's face, causing him to quickly move his face away and cower his nose with his sleeve.

"T-Toothless!" He couldn't help himself but to let out small chuckles. Shadow joined in on it. Y/n smiled a heartwarming smile that could make any boy get soft knees.

Getting on Shadow, she couldn't hold her giggling in and Hiccup immediately looked at her with those eyes, a stupid smile on his face.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Come on! Let's see what you've got today!" Hiccup happily exclaimed as they spun above the clouds, Shadow right beside them with Y/n, her mask pulled up.

Shadow glanced back at Y/n with her blue orbs, seeing her nod, Shadow twirled upside down before diving, Toothless following.

"WOOHOO!!!" Hiccup shouted in joy as he felt the cold wind push back his soft, brown hair. Y/n laughed and held her hands up like in a roller coaster.

Toothless roar on cue, and the dragons pulled out their wings, flying straight over the water before they flew a little upward.

"Let's see what you've got!" Y/n's voice was slightly muffled under her mask, but Hiccup heard it over the loud wind.

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