Chapter 7. New outfits.

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~No one's P.O.V~

"Believe me when I say, it will never happen!" Y/n answered Hiccup's question. He asked if she thought Astrid and Snotlout ever would be a couple. She may not interfere with humans often. But she had been around them long enough to know that never would happen.

They walked through the forest towards the cove with two upgraded saddles under their arms. Little did Y/n know Hiccup also had a newly made flying outfit for the girl under his arm. He had noticed that hers looked pretty old.

While the two chatted they heard grunts not far from them, "Here, take this and head to the cove." Y/n handed Hiccup the other saddle and he took it under his other arm.

"I'm gonna check this out and then I'll meet you there, okay?" Hiccup seemed a little hesitant to let the girl go, but he knew she would leave anyway, "Okay. See you there." Hiccup nodded and went towards the cove while Y/n headed towards the grunts.

Y/n saw Astrid throwing her axe into trees, she grunted as she pulled it out of a tree, she made a somersault and ended up on one knee.

She were about to throw her axe when she saw Y/n in the direction she were about to throw it and stopped in her tracks.

They stared at each other for a few moments before Y/n gave of a awkward smile. She walked quickly behind a huge boulder knowing Astrid followed her.

Astrid, however, lost sight of her when she walked behind the boulder and hit her fist into it in anger.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n held on a string Hiccup tried to stabilize on Shadow while they chatted, "What do you mean it was Astrid?" Hiccup asked as he struggled to pull on the string a little more.

"I mean that Astrid were in the woods, throwing her axe everywhere. I think she's on to us, Hiccup." Y/n told the boy, worry laced in her voice and Hiccup didn't like the sound of that.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine." Hiccup reassured her, she stared at him for a few seconds before hesitantly nodding.

"Hey, what's that?" She asked, letting go of the string when she saw a little bundle of something wrapped in paper.

Hiccup stabilized the string and as soon as that was did he rubbed the back of his neck, "I-It's a-a gift f-for you." He stammered. Y/n gave him a soft smile, "Can I open it?" She asked, "Yeah." He nervously responded.

Y/n opened the gift with a smile, what were inside caused her smile even brighter, making Hiccup's world light up.

Y/n opened the gift with a smile, what were inside caused her smile even brighter, making Hiccup's world light up

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